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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Westcoasterman, in one of your earlier entries you mentioned something about a source that spoke about the potential removal of one of KI's coasters that you wished we could all save. Could that potential removal be The Vortex? I have heard a few such rumors of that coaster's removal for a couple year's now and I could see CF taking it out for a possible B & M. This would sadden me because The Vortex was my first coaster with inversions and has some sentimental value to me. I also agree with you that the park's footprint should be bigger and the removal of coasters needs to end. Especially The Vortex with its popularity and relatively low maintenance costs.
  2. 2008: Continue adding trees, landscaping, etc. Add fresh coats of paint on buildings, rides Move TRTR to another area of the park and add S & S screamin' swing in it's place (wishful thinkin) New restaurant above entrance to park 2009: B & M invert or hyper (preferably behind FoF/ Firehawk). Either that or install the world's largest B & M stand-up, paint it yellow and green and call it the next "King Cobra" Refurbish all theming and robots around train tracks (I used to love the robot blacksmith dude) 2010: New waterslide in BB (something along the lines of that bowl slide that Splashin' Safari is getting this year) Bring back Flying Eagles for the whole family 2011: Maybe another new flat ride or water ride like a water coaster Add another sit-down restaurant with reasonably priced food 2012: For the 40th anniversary, install world-class intamin hyper, giga, or strata coaster. This could be
  3. 2008: Continue adding trees, landscaping, etc. Add fresh coats of paint on buildings, rides Move TRTR to another area of the park and add S & S screamin' swing in it's place (wishful thinkin) New restaurant above entrance to park 2009: B & M invert or hyper (preferably behind FoF/ Firehawk). Either that or install the world's largest B & M stand-up, paint it yellow and green and call it the next "King Cobra" Refurbish all theming and robots around train tracks (I used to love the robot blacksmith dude) 2010: New waterslide in BB (something along the lines of that bowl slide that Splashin' Safari is getting this year) Bring back Flying Eagles for the whole family 2011: Maybe another new flat ride or water ride like a water coaster Add another sit-down restaurant with reasonably priced food 2012: For the 40th anniversary, install world-class intamin hyper, giga, or strata coaster. This could be
  4. I agree with westcoasterman. I have lived in Cincinnati my entire life and Kings Island is, and always will be, my home park. I, like many of you out there, was disgraced by some of the things that Paramount did to the park and how they let it go. I think one of the best things they can do to get to the next step is to spruce the park up. Many buildings and rides need fresh coats of paint, more trees need to be added, and the concept of the differend "themed" areas needs to return (I could slugg the person who decided to put TRTR in the middle of Rivertown. That ride has no place in that part of the park). Now that CF owns the park I think we can eventually be expecting a B&M invert (should've gotten this years ago), or an Intamin hyper. However, since we are getting a major thrill ride this year, it's probably safe to say that CF will not install another major coaster in '08. I imagine they will use next year to continue fixing up the park and continue transition from Paramount to a more traditional CF park. My guess is that in '08 we will get a screamin' swing or some other new flat ride. Then in 2009 we will maybe see that sick Intamin hyper or strata, or maybe a B&M invert probably behind The Racer/Firehawk area.
  5. Hi everyone! I am new to the site and please forgive me if this topic was brought up already but I was just wondering if Firehawk would count as a new coaster credit even if we rode it as X Flight at GL. I did not see anything in the press release about the ride being altered in any way besides new paint but I just wondered if those of you who count coasters for credit will re-count Firehawk?
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