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DoomPlague last won the day on January 19

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  1. I would be more excited now for a Mack than I would have been a few years ago. They arguably made the two best new rides of 2024 and are safely in the top-tier of coaster manufacturers now. But I'll echo what others say about B&M. They are just the boring, safe manufacturer now and their quality appears to have gone downhill. Also: S&S. I was interested in where they take things and its only been disappointing.
  2. A couple weeks ago I met my family inside the KI Starbucks after I grabbed food from LaRosa's. Part of me worried if someone was going to say anything but I was with my group and it was a cold, rainy day and there was plenty of space in there. Honestly, that Starbucks is a waste of indoor dining space in the park, even if G&G is next door.
  3. I might ask to look at my parents' photo collection. The may have something, since we used it a few times in the 90s. I recall it having an actual picnic shelter.
  4. I have trouble deciding between: -The speed hill on Orion: great airtime at high speed -The consecutive banked hills on Mystic Timbers, if you can count that as one element -The double helix on The Beast or... -The drop into the double helix: It's just so weird and unsettling building up speed at a steady but slow pace, and you're banked for the whole drop making it extra awkward, but in a fun way.
  5. We got an invert right across from an old invert and a new wood coaster in the same area of the park as our most famous wood coaster. So at least those B&M's are in different parts of the park
  6. I recall some expressing that the park should focus on operating its existing rides before getting a big new coaster. ...someone should tell that to Magic Mountain.
  7. I know its operating temps have been discussed but Adventure Express would be fun for Winterfest. They could have some fun with the theming.
  8. I'm not a rabid RMC fan like many others. I dislike the restraints in particular but I get why people love the rides as they are pretty much as wild as a coaster can get. So I wouldn't mind seeing one at KI...but I want it to be something special and not just a typical mid-level one Six Flags one.
  9. I missed out on Haunt this year for various reasons but managed to get to the park for the last day of the season before Winterfest. I was pretty happy with the reasonable crowds and honestly the ride crews were on point. Everything was running at full capacity other than Banshee running 2 trains and WindSeeker not running. I don't think I saw any stacking on the coasters. Also, tried the spicy mac & cheese from Wishbone. It wasn't a ton of pasta but there was a lot of tender, fatty beef pieces which were surprisingly good. Aside from some insufferable young men trying to start a political chant on The Beast (and annoying the entire train), it was a pleasant end to the fall season. Also, I noticed the music in Rivertown, at least that I heard, was purely instrumental. Is that just a fall thing? I very much prefer that to the country style cover songs.
  10. I hope the next passholder survey suggests Mystic with a loop and LSMs.
  11. Looks like they're going to divert Perimeter Road for this. It's an odd/bad fit for the park, for sure but I'll gladly ride it. I'm also going to agree with those that think this is a last minute addition to make up for 2024.
  12. The whole thing went almost as badly as it possibly could have and that somehow only adds to its legendary status. It's the last time KI tried to do something extraordinary and I've noticed that many younger enthusiasts, who never got to ride it, are surprisingly fascinated by it. Anytime I mention somewhere online that I rode it a bunch of times, people ask what it was like.
  13. While it's unfair to make assumptions about BeastFarmer's motives, you don't have to have a racial slant to recognize the common patterns of racially charged comments that avoid "saying the quiet part out loud" especially any time an incident happens at a park. Honestly, at first glance, BeastFarmer's post reminded me of many similar comments that were a bit more obvious, but I prefer to give the benefit of doubt especially to a frequent poster. It's easy to have knee jerk reactions like that if you see enough "subtle" racist comments, especially on Youtube shorts. For some reasons I see way more racist comments on shorts than on regular youtube videos. I'm guessing its because racists have short attention spans.
  14. Yeah, Intamin is a serial offender and their costs are obviously higher. Zamperla hasn't reached that status as bad as the TT2 situation turned out to be. Sure, it does seem that Intamin is more reliable than they were when all those rides were built (and don't forget P/I305) but its hard to look past at all the problems of the past.
  15. I suspect the easiest would be more operating days, and I mean just more than a couple extra weekends. They potentially could experiment with some more evening-only dates, maybe with reduced operations. There are plenty of people in the area willing to show up for just a couple hours. Otherwise, I think the park would need a serious expansion to drive up the numbers, including a parking expansion and the chain just isn't interested in that.
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