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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Just finished uploading my last brochure. Its from 1998. This completes everything I have that I know of except for the few newer park maps which are a little difficult to scan or take a good picture of. I hope you enjoy what I have posted and if you have any questions feel free to contact me. The best way is through google plus or my email address which is available on my website.
  2. Sorry for the long delay. I just finished uploading a 1997 brochure. Two of the pages have a cut out because of coupons. Did Scooby Doo always have those weird eyes or did they move? I'll try to get the 1998 brochure uploaded in a few days. As for the rest of the maps I think I will just not do those unless there is some interest in them.
  3. Sorry I have not been posting more stuff recently. I've had to work on some other projects. Anyway thanks for posting your stuff! I just finished posting two news paper clippings on my website. One is for The Outer Limits. I don’t know if that’s a model of TOL or if its an actual picture before they built the building. Anyway its pretty cool! It also features a track layout drawing. I also have a clipping about Top Gun. I don’t have the rest of the story to it. Sorry.
  4. While looking for my SOB picture frame I found an old Kings Island cup I had. Its cracked but still functional. I've updated my website with the SOB picture frame and the old cup.
  5. DO IT! I would love to see some stuff I don't have.
  6. You're welcome! I don’t have much left. A list of things that I have beside me at the moment 2 brochures/coupon books. 2 news paper clippings. 4 park maps. Which are the unfoldable pamphlet type and may take me a while to get uploaded. There may be some more stuff laying around that I either forgot about or cant find. The pencils, pens, and dog tags were those types of things. I do remember having some ride picture holders but I would have to locate them. And that just reminded me I have a SOB picture frame somewhere. An actual glass frame not a cardboard picture holder.
  7. Just added some more stuff. I've added another brochure/coupon book, Top Gun pencil and dog tags, SOB pens, and two park map posters. Sorry about the quality of the posters. I have not figured out the best way to get a good image of them yet. Same goes for the rest of the regular park maps. I hope to get some news paper clippings up about The Outer Limits and Top Gun in the next upload batch.
  8. Did they have different versions of the 1979 brochure? Because mine does not have the nice Beast pictures. I just finished uploading the 1996 park map as well as show guides, ticket holders, another brochure/coupon book, parking pass, and magnents.
  9. I've added 2 pamphlet style brochures to my site.
  10. I added a Top Gun pennant and another shopping bag. Updates may slow down a bit. I have scanned some ticket holders, brochures, magnents, and show guides. I'll try to get a few of those up every day. The park maps I have left are 1996-1999 and 2009. Sorry I either don’t have or cant find 1995. Since KI switched to an unfoldable pamphlet I'm trying to figure out the best way to scan them or take a picture of them. As always I'll keep you updated on what I get uploaded.
  11. I scanned a bunch of stuff last night. I have park maps from 1992-1994 up on my website now as well as some pictures, post cards, and a note pad.
  12. Thanks! I'll update the web page with the date. And you're welcome!
  13. You are all very welcome! I've been wanting to do this for years and I'm just now getting motivated to get pictures of these things so they can be preserved forever. I just finished scanning one of my favourite things I have. Its an old brochure. I don’t know the date. It has a beautiful centerfold of The Racer which I stitched together instead of having separate pages. I also took a picture of a mug with my name on it as well as an Eiffel Tower magnet. I'll try to get another park map or two Saturday and maybe some easy to scan pictures and post cards.
  14. Got my scanner working in linux so now I can start uploading park maps, brochures, and pictures. My first scan is a 1991 Kings Island park map. I'm going to work on getting the 1992 park map uploaded this weekend as well as an old brochure. I also have uploaded pictures of some more Top Gun stuff, Son of Beast stuff, shopping bag, and smashed pennies.
  15. I'm currently working on taking pictures of all my Kings Island stuff. Things like slide viewer, model Eiffel Towers, pens, note pads, magnents, park maps, news clippings, bags. Just a bunch of stuff I collected from KI. I'm going to try to upload a few things every week to my website. You can find everything under fun stuff and Kings Island History Memorabilia. http://www.jaygroh.com I just put a few things up. I hope to try to get some park maps posted this weekend or next. My oldest map is from 1991. I think I have most of them up to the early 2000's. I have not gone through all of my stuff yet. I think I have some older stuff from before I was born in there somewhere. Born in 1981. I also converted the 20th Anniversary TV Special to webm format for viewing on the site with a compatible browser. You can of course download the MKV version too. I'm not really trying to promote my crappy site but I just want to be able to show some of Kings Island's history. To the mods or owners of this site I give you permission to steal all the pictures or documents that I post on my website and post them here if you like. I just ask that you at least give me some credit. Also if this is the wrong forum to post in please move it to the correct forum. I'll try to keep everyone here updated on new stuff I upload but if you follow me on google+ you will get updates too. You can add me from my website or search for Jay Groh in google+. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask.
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