OK- I don't know where to start on this one. I will say that about 6% of the stories on that page are true taht i knew of. The only one thats partially true is "tower johnny", and that second part about the security officers is pure BS. I would know because I worked security at KI in the past, and everything about that story is wrong. #1 if you see someone on the tower at nite, you usually dont question it, if they were able to get up there esp. to the 50 ft level, chances are they belong there. #2 if someone has gained entry to the park after shutting down for the nite, we'd most likely catch them on the cameras before they make it very far, and definately by the time theyd get up to the tower (im sure they have even more cameras now than they did when i worked there). And you wouldnt radio to an officer in a post, you'd notify the on duty supervisor and the security ops center if something strange was going down. And also there would never be an occasion where theres only 3 officers in the park at nite or at any time, unless things have drastically changed in the past 2 yrs. That story is just bogus. The one about the chef is also BS, becuase no one has ever died in IR. I mean lets be real, this whole story sounds dumb. Does low staffing at your work drive you that crazy? If i saw a light on in IR and it was nothing out of the ordinary, it stands to reason you wouldnt care to "check it out anyway". And also if I looked up and saw a figure in the window holding a weapon, Mason PD wouldve gotten called there in a second to assist us and investigate, theres no way in hell I would just walk away and not check on it. I mean think about that, its totally bogus. Also no ones ever died in the fountain, thats just made up. As for the one about the Wild Animal Habitat, thats true only to the extent that a handler was killed by a lion back when it was open. Thers no storage building for evidence that i've ever heard of, which im sure didnt exist to begin with. This is because we didnt need a building to store evidence in, there really isnt that much of it. We only kept evidence that we're gonna need to use in court, not just a bunch of old junk. And lets suppose we did, what would we be keeping the handlers soiled clothes for? What purpose would that serve? And how would we get them? If someones seriously injured, they're going to the hospital (clothes and all), we arent going to strip them naked and enter the clothing into evidence before sending em to the hospital. Once again if you think about this it's a bunch of bull****, the story makes no sense.
And also before you guys go and start saying "how would she know about all this?" I'm credible. In our training the cheif of police at the park told us all the stories of major incidents at the park in the past (he's been working at the park since the day it opened) so I know from someone who was actually there. I'm just sick of all these people on here running around spreading crazy rumors about stuff they dont know. Especially this dumbass on the web site... they not only badly botched some true storys, they seem to have just made up some of their own. Hopefully this will set some of you guys straight, as for peoples firsthand stories, i cant comment on those who knows if theyre true. I mean im not the expert on everything PKI, but dont be misled by this idiot and his or her website.