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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. Uhg. Let it go already. You remind me of Stewie in the Family Guy Episode where he says: "I don't like channnngeeee" How exactly did you take the whole Cedar Fair take over?
  2. Terpy...now you speak free verse? Oh my, this must big!
  3. Diamond Back was a 2 hour wait?! Really?!
  4. I'm sure employees are void from participating, besides their work ID is like a Platinum Pass...and they already get cheaper food than others at the Employee Cafe...
  5. I'm drooling right now. That is so beautiful. However, I like the first one just a tad bit better...
  6. You sir, must do that professionally! That is so very pretty and I Oh so wish the park would take that design and make it happen!
  7. Almost as shocking as DB being down for a week! What will happen next!!?? A roller coaster being closed due to mechanical problems?
  8. ...I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time believing that you were choked by the "string". Further, you must like it, even if you claim you don't, to see it 5+ times is a little over kill if you don't like the show and find "numerous production mistakes". Besides, have you ever talked to Guest Relations about your experience?
  9. I wouldn't get the parking, I'd just pay for normal, it's already expensive enough! Midweek, you shouldn't have too much trouble.
  10. Oh my god! That is some carnage!! Goodness. It too makes me wonder how reliable these things are...of course this is just one case of such damage.
  11. Ohhh I'd like an Orange scheme...to me, Orange seems to be a limited color in the Roller Coaster World!
  12. Congo Falls! You can either get...wet, or drenched! I'm not that big of a fan of WWC mostly because...I seemed to always get soaked, not matter what, I get all of the water...
  13. I believe he was talking about two separate events: Person A said that if someone is Chinese or Japanese they speak Asian. Person B said that the Roller coaster logo on the trash cans is The Beast.
  14. Terpy did say before that we should watch what CF does and not what they say. Diversion, is what he said also...
  15. Well for a while there were all the "I have inside info, but i can't tell you what it is" and that caused a little influx in posting here. I miss that. I like hearing all of the crazy theory's and "Inside information".
  16. Well I'm tired of reading the same thing over and over. I just wish the mods would close this thread and delete it from the face of the earth!!!
  17. I haven't been in years! I'd love to go again! Perhaps I'll mosey my way on over there the next public weekend. It used to be that our Neighborhood would buy out the park for all it's residents, those were great nights!
  18. You're wishing/complaining about wanting a decision to be made. Nearly every other post in this thread is that same exact sentiment. Then you say how you are tired of reading the same thing everyday. No T no Shade.
  19. The thing you complained about, about reading the same post over and over...well...you kinda just added to the "saying the same darn thing!"....
  20. A... broken face palm picture? Cobra, who can't see the picture, can anyone else?
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