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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. Well perhaps with such revenue they made last season with FL they are using those funds for that...
  2. What were you preferred options? Perhaps those were filled and they just kind of shuffled you to where they needed you?
  3. ...I wish I given that option...they were all: "You're going to AZ Carts. So...go...now...GO"...what really sucked was a week later I got a call from the rides department (Which was my second choice since I wasn't 16 at the time) and I asked if I could just forget about the AZ carts...and they said no
  4. There are many many many many many places to work in the park and so getting hired at skyline will depend n who interviews you. Of course they may have contacted you because you applied, not only because you worked at skyline ( I mean I worked at skyline and got hired in AZ Carts)
  5. There are no rules that say a Season Pass holder can't buy them! Buy it and use it!
  6. When you don't want to wait in the line... Cobra, heading for the door.
  7. http://www.cedarpoint.com/what-s-new/fast-lane Cedar Point rolls out Fastlane! Saw it on my facebook and thought I'd share! Their ride lineup is pretty nice too!
  8. When I rode that ride it was The Flintstones...
  9. The best part about the ride is the part where you go straight up...and then well the ending was kinda...painfull
  10. Why did you make a new topic about this just after commenting this in the 2011 Haunt Review Thread?
  11. I don't think there were any (at least from what I know of) Oh wait...there was one It was for Christmas...but I don't see how that could help you now....
  12. I noticed a few things 1) in the front page Vortex is going the opposite way (which I assume is to show it off a bit more) 2) In the Title Page for Vortex, there's no restraints. I found that stuff interesting... Also, I always though Vortex was named for...well...a Vortex! It wasn't till I saw that commercial where they had the creepy low robotic voice going on. EDIT: Thanks so much for sharing! It's really neat!
  13. ....Ever meaning at KI. I should have clarified..
  14. Microburst? Those things are BAD! Take an airplane out of the sky in one foul swoop....
  15. The first day it EVER opened I waited about 6 hours to get on it.
  16. I heard on the news last night that Water was finally shut off to the park, and the last time the water company was paid was in Dec. 2011 and that it's self was just a small down payment... Which leads me to believe...perhaps they knew it was going to happen, they just didn't know exactly when.
  17. I read some of the comments on their FB page (which they should get rid off or stopping the public from commenting) They are ticked. They have a right to be though....
  18. Wow NO refund at all...that is just sad...even with those special offers....
  19. It's so weird to not have SOB's shadow over the park, excellent and really cool picture!
  20. If they've never been there get em on FOF. Heeheeheeheehee and trololol
  21. I refuse to go to the park with friends unless we have an even amount of people. Sitting by yourself is boring and not as fun.
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