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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. Bold and Capitolizaation added: *Shudders* lol
  2. Hmm... I am pretty sure it's not, "evermore" It's never more! Who is that rap tap tapping at my chamber door? Sorry Cobra, who just HAD to.
  3. This reminds me. If this has been asked already, my bad. But, Why are the supports yellow for the lift hill, and drop but turn grey afterwards?
  4. haha, it's kinda like Dollywood, to leave you have to go through a gift shop! hahah...I crack my self up. You don't think they will do that every time a big event is going to come up call us like that do you? I would say yes.
  5. it was never proven that she burst the blood vesel on SOB. She reported it days after she rode it. Leaving so many variables. But the park did, IMO, the best thing. They took action so it didn't become that big of a media nightmere.
  6. you have to be 16 for Haunt. 15 year olds can't work past, oh I think its 9pm. So they wouldn't be any help. They would have to leave after what? an hour or two after it opens.
  7. Tomkatt, the reason why lots' o small shops and carts were closed, was because those are usally filled by the 15-18 year olds still in school, on a monday in May. Give it later in the season to and they will open up...
  8. Well, I looked, couldn't find anything, but did anyone else get a phone call from, Brian, that told us someupdates about KI? I did, and I for one thought it was a nice touch, it had music in the backround that I danced to, and listened to everything they told me. Personally it was a nice thing to do, however on a aside note, 3 mail cards telling me they want me back for a Gold KI pass, with 10 dollars off, after buying and procsseing the pass in March, that kinda ticked me off, a little late don't they think Well, point of the post is to ask, Thoughts on the new message?
  9. Well, week days are usally light. But it is summer, so its not going to be completly empty. If you can, there is time to go still, during the week in the begining of June. Most schools are still in session, so it should be even more light. But either way, its not going to be deserted, and walk-ons are questionable.
  10. I have no problem with smoking. I smoke my self, and I enjoy a light every once in a while. That being said, a dear freind of mine needs a double lung transplant, so I learned and cut back on smoking. While in the park I don't need a smoke, but I usally smoke one on the way to the park, and on the way back. The areas are there for those that need it. I don't think there is a problem with smoking in the park at all. Those complaining about the smoke drifiting out of the area, or they are to close to the path, then simply don't go that way. There are zillions of ways to get to a different section of the park, save FOF and Firehawk (The section of the park is slipping my mind). Just don't walk by those areas, and if its that big of a deal, don't go to the park at all.
  11. Well i also asked the park about this, and they confirmed, no. You can put in an application at 15, but they don't interview you unitl you are 16. I have an email from the park, and several refrences from some park employees that happen to be my friends.
  12. yea, they don't interview you until you are 16.
  13. Yes, you have to be 16 to work in the rides department.
  14. I think the park gives a great warning of sever whether. one year I went to the park, road WWC, and got off and there were announcments all over saying, there is a sever storm in the vicinity(sp?) of the park, please move to a inclosed building. Thank you. Thats all it said for a good 10 minutes. Now they wern't to specific, but still the guests had a pretty good idea about where to go. The nice thing though, was the storm barely touched us, and everyone ran away while the rest of the group and I ran over to AZ to ride SOB and Invertigo and DT w/o wait. Hahaha...
  15. Great Photos went there a while ago, it was fun!
  16. Well, when I go, I use the bins, but at FOF I just stick the bag between my feet and hope it doesn't fall out. The only problem is, that sometimes it ends with a crapping leg, but still a fun ride.
  17. You can ask for a specific seat. 100 times out of 99 times they always say yes for me (Yes 100 out of 99 lol)
  18. Well you could also having a parking garage roll back if you don't hit enough speed going up the incline at Northgate mall... Cobra, who has had this happen once.
  19. I have never heard of a rollback on OL:FOF, that sounds really fun!
  20. Coney mall's Topiery (sp?) Looks very nice and sharp. I think that if they were to re-add that style to CM, it would really enhance it's over all apperance, AND bring back some nostalgia
  21. Well I for one, love FoL at The Zoo, its lots of fun, and can really keep you entertained for a night arrive at 5 and leave at 9. It is really fun, and this star light experiance seems more like a Oh pretty lights and we're done. In my own opinion.
  22. Actually Panda Express's portions are very good. It's quite delicious as well! I suggest there, and then you can catch a show real quick and be on your merry way!
  23. eh, I think you should change the rules...inside a house? Lol that would take a lot of expanding for any of the rides..save little bills giggle coaster. I think it should just have to fit on your land, even then some people might have a stretch doing that
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