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Everything posted by thatbandguy8807

  1. wow is opening day really just over 2 weeks away? I cant believe its already here pretty much!
  2. I hate to hear stories like this when they happen. this is why KI has height requirements posted and yet Ironically parents will still cuss out the ride ops if they dont let their kids ride. When I worked on AE I couldnt even count how many times I would be cussed out in only a 30 minute span because I wouldnt let a kid ride due to their height. not saying the kid this happened to was too short as quoted here but this is why KI enforces their height requirements. It is for everyone's safety after all and yet guests get mad when their kids are not tall enough to ride. I couldnt even imagine the loss this family is dealing with right now.
  3. Since this one hopes so as well, does that mean that two could hope so? why I do believe you are right and im sure we arent the only ones wanting to see it...or so I would assume
  4. I do have to agree in a way. When it was first announced I didn’t like that it was a walk through. but after I thought about it for a few minutes, as you said, since it is a walk through you can take as much time as you want, and you would be able to enjoy it more as where if it was a ride, you can only enjoy it for as long as the ride lasts. This way you can take your time, go at your own pace and get good photos of whatever you like and know that the picture will turn out great. I will definitely go through it once and possibly a second time if not more the next season. I know for a fact I will take my time looking at everything if you have to pay every time you go through it which I’m sure is how they are going to have it. I think it would look neat at night with strategically placed lights throughout even though I know it will not be open during the night. I love the idea that they are bringing something like this to the park even though I’m not too happy about the fee for it. But hey, you can’t always be happy about everything I suppose. All in all I think it will be a good addition to the park.
  5. ok so i was just watching the news and on fox 19 they are doing a report about the press release tomorrow...man i cant wait until 2 tomorrow
  6. i could see that now terp. we all get hyped up about it thinking OH COOL ITS GONNA BE A NEW RIDE!!!! OH I CANT WAIT TO RIDE IT!! and then find out.....I would be laughing so hard if they ever did something like that
  7. I have a feeling for most of us that tomorrow is going to go really slow since we are all excited and waiting for the press release....I for one will be happy no matter what it is. although I never did think about them putting a price onto the attraction. I hope they dont. although either way, I will go through it at least once even if they do charge for it
  8. could not have said it any better myself....I felt so sad when I found out Astroworld closed. I hope that this never happens to KI or at least not be around when the time does come
  9. update on king's island's facebook page "The seats for the new 301' tall WindSeeker ride arrived at the park today." here
  10. ^ I agree...I always try to make a trip up the tower every time I go to the park just to take in the view.....cant imagine KI never having it
  11. woo i didnt realize that there was a little over a month left...these pictures sure do make things fly by
  12. I'm still trying to figure out what all of this means. I have been thinking hard and have no idea. when some people started talking about a new movie in Action Theater I was getting excited and thinking "FINALLY!!! SOMETHING BESIDES SPONGE BOB!" but now, the clues seem to be trailing away from that. Guess we will all find out in 3 days
  13. I do have to say, this is making the off season bearable with all of these great pics I love seeing pics like these
  14. true I keep forgetting they changed the type of coaster that it is.....I dont always think clearly I do have to say I too would love to see a new coaster come to KI. one thing is for sure, if this is a hint for the future of the park for a ride or something, more hints are needed. Plus we could also be looking at it all wrong and KI just be puting up a pic just to keep the attention of its fans during the off season
  15. i was thinking along these lines too...i was thinking hey if it works for TG then why not try it for SOB since its still in the park and just sitting there looking like a bad reminder of what bad constuction can lead to...after saying that i have a feeling some ppl are gonna rip me to pieces for saying that i agree it looks really smooth and i think if its that smooth and guest will like it then why not try it with SOB and possibly put the loop back in? just my thoughts
  16. I forgot about the ticket booths also.....its suprising how much ki has changed over the years
  17. oh yeah I forgot about that if I remember right I think some of the steps on the MBR were used on The Bat and just were repainted
  18. ^ thats what I have heard too..the top speed is just as you are going up the first hill or something and it goes so fast that they have to put breaks on near the top of the hill and the rest of the time its not that fast...so ive read
  19. im not really sure....they may still have the sign but dont quote me on that im not sure at all..the trains i would belive was sold as scrap metal or sold to another park for parts or something...thats just my guess though
  20. actually i do remember seeing those flag poles but i dont think i have ever seen a flag on either one of them.....but i could be wrong.....i never paid too much attention exept that i noticed it was a flag pole
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