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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Only one trip there so far this year (I'm up way too late and should be getting there again in about 9-10 hours with a 2 hour drive). I don't remember a ton about that visit except that it was the last week of May and the lines were long as hell because no rides were open due to school being still in but the park was open weekdays. I also got coaster-blocked another day this year trying to go there but weather was bad so me and my girl hung out in the area for a couple hours then left. Seeing DB in its very early stages was cool. Hopefuly I'll make my memory of the year tomorrow.
  2. So the park opened up Monday - Thursday I believe for the first time this week and I'm planning to go tomorrow (Thursday). It's an odd week as high school isn't out so the park won't be fully staffed early on in the day. I came on a day like this a couple years ago but don't quite remember a lot about it, only that a lot was closed at first. I checked the trip reports but couldn't find any for the past couple days. Any idea what rides will be open early, and if everything will eventually be opened up late? It seems like I remember waiting a while ( I always go weekdays, so to me 20-30 minutes is a while) for The Beast, and SOB definitely wasn't open all day.
  3. I usually sit on the rails and smoke. Then yell out obscenities when the lines are too long. But to be serious, I want to check out girls but i always go with mine. so id say i spend my time in line trying to find things to distract her while i get a peek at some other girls.
  4. Screamin Demon looks like one boring ride. Oh the things we did for fun...
  5. Good luck on the smoking and eating addictions, cormaster, I personally do understand a true addiction, and how it is to think there should be no such thing as an addiction. my biggest complaint is that at 6'5" you can run into a few rides that really suck. I had a really uncomfortable experiance riding Vortex last year when i was in the back seat of one of the cars. I remember sitting there right outside of the station after the ride in agony because my entire body was being piched between the OTS restraints and the seat. From that point forward I always make sure to hit the front of a car. SOB is also very tough to wedge myself into. Gotta show love to Invertigo/Face off though! Nothin like that freedom. I'd really love to see the new ride in 09' be floorless...
  6. Here's a Hint:

    The people in the "New Coaster for 2009" topic are fed up with those jokes!

  7. No doubt, there is stuff to learn at KI. I was unfortunate that my class's trip was to Kentucky Kingdom to learn such things. Nothing against the idea of Math & Science Day, I just don't want to be there if it's going to make me wait in line longer when I could go another day in 2 weeks. But if the difference isn't huge, I'm excited to visit and would go sooner.
  8. So my question is how bad of a day in terms of lines and general annoyance due to lots of kids is it on Math and Science Day? Sorry if I missed a similar thread, but I did look.
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