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    20 Mins away from Cedar Point!
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    I work at best buy, I love traveling, riding roller coasters, music

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  1. Here's when they first came out. This was such a great night!
  2. ACE members are invited to media day! https://twitter.com/aceonlineorg/status/1218552605783339008/photo/1
  3. It looks like they are done for the day.
  4. It is manually adjusted and it's not like Cedar Point's webcams where they can move them anywhere they want at anytime. I'm sure this will be the final "move" of the webcam.
  5. It was the same thing really with Steel Vengeance at Cedar Point. Never did I think the forces would be that amazing from the POV.
  6. Are there any limited edition Orion ornaments left that have the dates on the back?
  7. I would think track will be up next before the day is over...
  8. Here's a closer view from the webcams... https://www.visitkingsisland.com/explore/live-video
  9. Back on topic, it looks as though they added new track back there but it's hard to tell.
  10. Does anyone know if they will get a 4th crane? 3 to hold the last 3 track pieces and one for the basket?
  11. My thinking is MAYBE the update isn't at the park and maybe with a company or something? If it were the tower being the issues then the MT cam would still be working?
  12. Webcams are back up along with the brand new website. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/explore/live-video
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