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Everything posted by zl422

  1. zl422


    Kings Island is getting a new rollercoaster!!! i saw tracks today!!! i am so excited!! I think it might be just like Vortex, and go upside down nine times and will be a replacement to Vortex since the ground is sinking! and they will be removing The Vortex soon. I think it will be red with neon green supports. Im so excited!! im pretty sure it will open in august! Fill me in on anymor infurmiation!1
  2. has a birdseye image of Kings Island and the antique cars are there just thought someone would think its interesting http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=qjqb4d7zb1vj&style=b&lvl=1&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=2904140&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&encType=1
  3. there were three of those rollercoasters, they were called triplets, i love learning about stuff like that
  4. I would always be SO confused about how in the Flight of Fear que, there was a giant space ship and how there was no tunnel leading out of it where the train launched. then about a year ago i discovered it was only half a ship and there was a mirrored wall, ha ha ha... Also, when i was waiting for Son of Beast one time (post loop removal) someone asked where these new trains came from. I in return said "They got them from some old rollercoaster from the east coast or something like that" they said "that was the dumbest thing i have ever heard"
  5. zl422

    wanna play?

    it doesnt matter as long as there were some made
  6. zl422

    wanna play?

    win by having the highest score
  7. zl422

    wanna play?

    okay, so im sitting here bored as duece and came up with a game. heres how you play, State the year you were born, then find rollercoasters built in that year. if you have one at Kings Island its 10 points. any other old paramount park, 5 points. any other Cedar Fair park (http://www.cedarfair.com/), 2 points, WE WILL COUNT GEAUGA LAKE AS A Cedar Fair PARK!!!. six flags, 1 point. Go to rcdb.com for your research. here i go; 1991 K.I.-Adventure Express-----------10 G.A.-Vortex-----------------------5 K.D.-Anaconda--------------------5 C.W.-Vortex----------------------5 C.P.-Mean Streak-----------------2 S.F.M.M.-Psyclone----------------1 MY SCORE-----------------------28 ........Im a loser
  8. OH YEAH!!! the tumble bug most defonatly, it may be rather boring but that is a really rare ride now-a-days
  9. i really what to see flight commander in its old place
  10. now i know this will never happen, but what if Kings Island gave us a chance to bring back one of the past rides, all we had to do is vote, you could even choose the animal safari. you can include king cobra and The Bat if you want even though arrow and togo are gone. I would choose the flying eagles
  11. but about those trains. has anyone riden behemoth, experience?
  12. I know, but i hate seeing Americana dissapear, especially classics like CL
  13. So i went to Chippewa Lake today, and it was totaly sealed and impossible to get into, with even more no tresspassing signs, all the holes in the fences were patched and so on. real bummer, opinions? Also i would like to know what happened to the loop from Son of Beast, was it scrapped? And Finaly, what are your opinions on the trains for the new coaster, i think they look lame, and like they could put a reall downer on the ride, its cool to sit with your friends, and thats like sitting alone if you happen to get stuck with a side seat?
  14. zl422


    http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting i am not even going to bother
  15. zl422


    is ttd top thrill dragster?
  16. zl422


    wait, are you saying that sfkk is most likely going to have the same fait as geauga lake?
  17. zl422


    i just know that that ride sucks
  18. zl422


    it just makes sence, it would be the most extreme ride yet, ant the area cleared is about the same size
  19. zl422


    you never know, its gone, and that was too expensive just to scrap, dont get your hopes up
  20. zl422


    so,,, could we be getting this? (from kings dominion) also, does anyone know whats going on with big dipper at geauga lake
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