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Everything posted by Aaron88stang

  1. Where is this quote from and what is the quote exactly?
  2. I wouldn't like seeing The Beast with Timberliners. But on Son of Beast yes I would. It would take some getting used to the look of the timber liners on Beast, but if it meant lower maintenance and the removal of the trims I could deal with it.
  3. I would be awesome if Timberliners could fix SOB and the park actually made the investment in them. However, I would much rather see them first on Beast if it meant that the trims could be removed or at least toned down.
  4. you can probably tell I am an enthusiast of a certain car by name...
  5. I guess I would consider myself an enthusiast of the over all amusement/theme park experience. I am not much on most flats because spinning things tend to make me ill, but I love coasters, dark rides and water rides. I would almost consider myself an enthusiast to the overall entertainment/amusement industry because I get the same kind of feeling going to the movies, a cool bar or place to eat. It's all break from the everyday and that is what I like.
  6. I just got back from my first Disney World trip a week ago. I believe it was worth evey penny but the fact that there was a promition going on when we booked the trip (discounted meal plan I believe) that made it more affordable for us was what sealed the deal in going. I am sure I will go back and will be more willing to spend more next time because I know what to expect from the eperience, but I was hoping to spend more and stay in a nicer resort rather than spend more for the same...It was an amazing trip though and you can certainly see where the money you pay them is spent there.
  7. Thanks for sharing. Topgun looked as bad that year as Flight Deck looks now...That poor coaster just gets no respect.
  8. I personally like this idea. I wonder what the chance would be...
  9. If even if some of the stuff did not move, it would be nice to see it put to use all year rather than just displayed for Haunt.
  10. I wonder if they would re-use any of the old phantom theater props since they will be taking the scooby stuff out. There has to be a few things that could be recycled.
  11. oh yeah. can't wait for Holiwood nights now! Please KI invest in these for Beast and SOB.
  12. Please don't take my comment as a complaint. Other than being wet, which is to be expected, it was a fun ride. I love log flumes and hope this one sticks around for a long time. Thanks for having it open yesterday. It was for sure an experience, even if it is one that I will not repeat this time of year.
  13. I rode yesterday as well (just to say I did it in October). We had 5 people in the boat and got drenched! The wave looked more like what I am used to from Pilgrims Plunge at HW. Needless to say, since it was my idea to ride, the rest of my party was not too happy with me...The ride op did warn us that we were going to get very wet because of the weight of the boat, but that was of course after we had already crammed ourselves in there like sardines. It would have been a great ride in August, but not so much in mid October. I was actually very surprised to see the ride operating.
  14. It's been awhile since I have been on a Scrambler but I remember the sticker LOL
  15. I am with some of the others. Remove the tunnels and the gum problem is solved.
  16. I doubt they would slow it down unless it needed to be for safety or durability. More likely they would fudge the number or maybe even not and have something new to brag about next year to draw in guests.
  17. I read their PTR earlier. As they pointed out, at least the maker of the coaster and the hair gel share the same name.
  18. I was actually observant enough at 8 years old to notice the black walkway on Vortex and correctly assumed it was re-used from The Bat.
  19. I am going this coming Sunday as well so I can take advantage of the gold pass sale. I would assume that KI is expecting light crowds which would be part of the reason to have the sale (which you have to go to the park to take advantage of) to boost attendance.
  20. The Bat was SBNO on my first visit to KI when I was 5 back in 1984. It looked so ominous to me then. All coasters were scary to me then but one that had to be shut down seemed really scary to me at the time.
  21. I was there but I honestly don't remember...I know we were given the choice of lights on or off but I do not remember about the brake. FOF's brake does not really bother me like Beast's do. FOF is actually kind of cool if you sit in the front because you feel like your are going to fall out for a couple seconds while it stops.
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