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  1. Yea using other parks in a company ad is showing off that park but its showing off several different parks.
  2. First of all Six Flags did companay commercials. Cedar Fair does actual park commercials but Cedar Fairs suck compared to Six Flags.
  3. Thats the kind of advertisment that i talk about all the time sucking, needing to do more and better ones!
  4. Back in 2000 when Six Flags was rebranding Geauga Lake to Six Flags they probably had every intention on making this park acheive. Now by making that park acheive they had to open more things which took the park and spun it around and made it a whole new park. It wasn't Geauga Lake anymore, and Six Flags probably didn't want people remembering it like that. So they added tons of rides that i personally thought were great. Now after 3 years of operation under Six Flags, they decide to sell the park to Cedar Fair, which they want to return the park back to its roots. The first year nothing happens, the second year the park adds a major new water park, (actually not that major) ACCROSS the lake not on the same side as the park where it originally was. Then the third year they finally added the second addition and they failed to do that because all we got was the wave pool. Then finally their dream came true the Amusement Park finally closed.
  5. You think that water park is good...I dont see what is good in it at all its very boring. The only ride i would pay the unreasonable price for is liquid lighting but i wouldnt pay that price for one ride that is actually fun. And do you think that the water park is going to be kept up, I personally dont think it will at all, There was nothing new last year and there wont be anything new this upcoming season. And havent you ever seen the attendance drop between 2003 and 2004 personally i think people completley forgot that the park was even around in 2004 because the attendance was way down the next year after Six Flags sold the park. And i was just at Kennywood last year and the park was great...Yeah it didnt have large rides but the flat rides that they have there are thrilling flat rides compared to what Geauga Lake had. They didnt have any flats. And i think that if they wanted to return the park back to its roots i think they should have cleaned up the front of the park and added tons of flat rides, because that was what the classic Geauga Lake had! And yea they did close Sea World because they bought it out so they werent going to be able to keep the name, So yes i do know that, that was definatley not an option to keep the branding names and animals. And do you know how much land Geauga Lake actually owned, It was a HUGE park so it was most likley one of the larger park even though a lot of it was still undeveloped.
  6. The closing of Sew World was not a smart idea and then try replacing it with Shouka and other animals was definatley not a good idea at all. Six Flags tried bringing it into a new generation, they most likley saw a whole new way to make the park good but the company was in a huge dedt so they sold their larger parks and guess what that park was probabaly one of their major parks that could get more profit off of it by selling it. Now I know that when Cedar Fair bought the park they only had a month to advertise a whole new park but they really didnt, they could have advertised as the park was open through the season. So i understand for a bad attendance the first year but then the second year rolled around and you know as well as i know the second season should have been the year that they made their comeback, but they really didnt make a good comeback they added a water park. In Ohio if your park is declining in attendance you really cant try holding it up with a water park...in Ohio. Cedar Fair is known for adding big roller coasters so we all kinda thought that the amusement park was going to continue on with being bid nope they just continue with a water park. And honestley i went to the water park once and in an hour i was bored and this was on the year that it was actually all open. So their attendance now is not going to strive because you can be bored in an hour! In 2003 i went to Six Flags every weekend because we had season passes but that park was always crowded even if it was during the week. Then i went once in 2007 and it was rather boring in the water park side and not to many people were there!
  7. Indeed that is one sad video of Geauga lake. But in repsonse to the closing and why there was no attendance in the background. Who would really want to go to a park that had an old water park that was rotting away and filling up with disgusting water, especially since it was clearly visable on two of the rides that went through that area. Then they remove one of their top roller coasters (x-flight) and then another one brakes down at the last few weeks of the season, then they tear both of those out. So now their already down from 10 roller coasters to 8, then during their last season one rides breaks down and then they never repair the ride so now their down to 7. Now if your a true Geauga Lake lover like I am and tons of others are you would go. But if your not and your just one that wants to ride a roller coaster your not going to go to a park that is loosing their rides left and right. Thats most likley why attendance was down so low.
  8. I dont see how this is still on subject but i will try to get it back on subject so......I think it is great that a historical ride is being moved somewhere and not just being moved into a dumpster!
  9. Please inform the rest of us IChase how you know that TR:TR isnt coming back in future years?
  10. I wish it was coming up here to Geauga Lake but we all know they wouldn't because they just wasted all that money on tearing out all those perfect rides. I never thought it was so bad except for the loop but i usally dont complain about pains on a roller coaster to me there all just awesome!
  11. Every company has their share of misfortune! Its not like Cedar Fair hasnt!
  12. Ha looks like you had a great time i actually just went a few weeks ago. I went to the same parks as you! HRP is awesome its so worth the 50$ though!
  13. Actually the Carousel is actually still at the park under what they call protection but its just a clear tarp that flies ope eveytime there high winds!
  14. WOW THIS IS WEIRD you post these and today my neighbor is leaving for Slovokia today for a foriegn exchange student program!
  15. Yeah i stated this in another post cause i thought that we were posting everything in the diamond back thread! Does anybody know what it was about i had to go !
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