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Everything posted by kingcobra84

  1. I need to move back to Cincinnati lol I mis Kings Island
  2. wow my birthday is in 2 days

  3. We Need A Launch coaster like kingda ka
  4. People say that ki is taking Vortex down and building a 4th dimension coaster like x2
  5. Why do people keep saying ki is going to replace it with a B&M Inverted Coaster?
  6. Does Anyone know whats going on with flight deck because it is in very bad shape
  7. while in line for Delirium i heard someone say that Diamondback would have 4 loops
  8. The mantinence truck was parked in the ride's path and the swinging train struck it and derailed.
  9. Yes that is some horrible news, i hate that ride it gave me back problems
  10. What is the worst news anyone has ever heard about a ride at Kings Island?
  11. Back in 2002 top gun hit a mantinence truck and one of the trains derailed
  12. LMAO alot of people are saying that but its not true because if it were Kings Island would have removed it
  13. The Funniest rumor i ever heard was that king cobra was going to make a return in 2006 but instead it was scrapped!!!!!!!!! And also that some fat smelly guy said that ki was getting a 200 mph strata from intamin next year LOL
  14. My first ride was king cobra back in '99 i rode it at least 10 times that day
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