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Everything posted by gigacoaster2k

  1. I'm with whoever it was that said when someone wins that sort of prize, they should be given a ticket so that they can retrieve their prize before they exit the park. I've never been hit with one of those obnoxious basketballs, but I swear if I do, I will see to it that they won't find it again.
  2. .. and LOL at them calling the test dummies "weighted water bags" .. or is that a loose term I'm not yet familiar with? I was laughing as I pictured a leaky Hefty bag full of water flopping around in every seat as the coaster ran its course. Anyway, it's cool to see that the attention on the website and the people who run it is picking up speed.
  3. Never had a problem with mosquitos up and until 1990. Nothing is worse than the mosquitos at CP. Those things are like baseball bats with six legs.
  4. happy birthday, love the username! =)

  5. No, Diamondback will not get you wet.. and you will not need your BATHING suit. The intention of the splashdown is merely for visual effects.
  6. SHHH!! I told you I wanted that!! I kid. .. although I certainly wouldn't mind having such a thing..
  7. I am getting so ridiculously pumped and excited as opening day draws closer and closer. I am stoked to see this amazing new coaster, and all the changes the park is working so hard to bring us. This is my first off season since becoming truly hardcore into parks. I've never been so excited for opening day in my life.
  8. There have been times where I've had a particularly bad day at work (I usually work 7 am - 3 pm), so I'd drive down to KI after work and spend the rest of the day at the park. It's an amazing stress reliever.
  9. I plan some of my trips, mostly coaster event days like Ride Warriors Weekend, etc. Other than that, I've been known to get up well before the crack of dawn, pack a bag, and take a random trip to an amusement park, KI more often than CP. I have a lot of friends that work up at CP. I'll show up without warning sometimes.. I love seeing the priceless looks on their faces like "wha...? ANGIEEEEE!!! *hugs*"
  10. Thanks for rendering my retinas completely useless with those photos. Sorry Kat. I often fail to realize that some people still don't have high speed internet.
  11. Oh for pete's sake.. now I feel old. I remember back when I was in third grade (1991) that our whole K-6 school went crazy because we got a computer lab full of DOS-based computers with the giant floppy disks that were actually floppy. My computer has the best of both worlds.. I have a floppy drive (that I never use) and a CD/DVD burner.
  12. I'm the same way. I don't like the thought of dangling that high up from a bucket on a string.. it just doesn't seem very stable.
  13. I'm likely going solo. 9 times out of 10 I'll go to parks alone, and end up meeting up with 2 or 3 different groups of people.
  14. Yeah I hope they do something like that. Either paint it blue or dye the water so you can't see the concrete. I think it would be sweet if they had black water that looked like large dangerous creatures were swimming in it. Maybe it's just me.. but has it crossed anyone's mind that raptorcp21 may not be fluent in the English language, or possibly has a mental deficiency? That and his/her username has to do with CP.. which is a melting pot of races and countries. I've met several people who worked up there that speak broken English or have a thick accent. I've read all of raptor's recent posts, and I cannot assume anything, but it does not appear that he/she is purposely causing problems. I understand those of you who are trying to help with the forum rules, but those of you who are getting a kick out of making fun of this person are more annoying than the posts they have been making.
  15. I'd do Insanity and Big Shot no problem. X-Scream = "Whoa, you're gonna die!!.... LOL J/K!" It would take some convincing to get me on that one.
  16. nice avatar! Cedar Point ftw!

  17. Last year I purchased a platinum pass off the CP website and brought it to KI. This was when the website said platinum passes could be processed at any CF park regardless of the park you purchased it from. I got quite possibly the biggest runaround of my life. I am glad the websites changed their policy, because it seems like more of a hassle on both the park's and the customer's part for the park to process a pass that wasn't purchased on their site.
  18. I will NEVER, as long as I live, make anyone I know go on something they do not want to ride. I've seen people get sick to their stomach and have panic attacks on things they did not want to ride. Once or twice I've even seen a fight break out afterward because the person was so ticked that their "friend" forced them on the ride and they hated it. It is not funny, and it is certainly not being respectful of that person.
  19. Drop Tower. I used to have a paralyzing fear of heights to where I wouldn't even get on an observation tower. My ex thought it would be cute to drag me on it. By the time we got to the top, I was in tears and screaming every cussword I knew upside down and backwards at him. Millennium Force also scared the garbage out of me on my first CP trip, because I was still afraid of heights at the time. The highest coaster I'd been on before that was Vortex, and when it hit me how high up we were going, I had a panic attack on the train as it was leaving the station. I even closed my eyes at the top of the hill for a second or two. MF destroyed my fear of riding anything after that, except Skyscraper, which darn near had me wishing I had a diaper on my first ride. I was fine until my friend who was a ride op on it took my seat and spun it in a series of 360s on my first ride.. I was screaming cusswords at him. The hilarious thing is, all three are now topping my list of favorite rides.
  20. I vote Club Blood for KI. Very well done when I went through it. I went through Cornstalkers at CP last year on my Oct. 10-12 trip, and I got the garbage scared out of me. I'm not usually one for haunts, but after those two, I'm hooked. It takes a lot for me to jump out of my skin and scream at the same time, but those two did it.
  21. I'm guessing that they will use that seat for a test tummy with sensors that detect the effects DB will have on its riders. Is a test tummy used to see if riders will get sick? Tee hee... Terpy, who liked that one... That wouldn't be a bad idea.. I'm a back seat rider on most coasters and really would not prefer someone's unwanted protein shake flying back at me.
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