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  1. i plan on going to the fearfest auditions....could somebody who did it and got the job last season tell me what its all about
  2. the statue is for the stunt show and like the jeep located at TOMB RAIDER: THE RIDE it is an actual prop. it can be seen very early on in the movie.
  3. A man who had a knife and a stun gun held Mason police at bay for about an hour as he threatened to kill himself outside Paramount's Kings Island Saturday afternoon, police said. Mason police responded to the park at about 4 p.m. after Kings Island guards confronted 50-year old Michael Marshall about a small knife found when he passed through a metal detector, said Mason police Sgt. Michael Downey. Marshall, of Cincinnati, became uncooperative, then held the knife to his throat and threatened to harm himself, police said. Police negotiated with Marshall for about an hour before he put down the knife. Police then found Marshall was also carrying a stun gun, Downey said. Marshall was taken to a hospital for evaluation. No charges had been filed Saturday night. Park officials said guests inside the park were unaffected on what was the park's official opening day for the season. However, some patrons said they were turned away outside the gates during the standoff. source: http://www.enquirer.com
  4. What exactly is the new statue all about, several people claim it is some kind of advertisement for the new touring Stunt Show that is promoting the new Tomb Raider film. If you ask me i doubt KI would do another Tomb Raider ride. Now it's been rumored that the ride for 2004 WILL in fact be a coaster and it will be a B&G. No one that i know who works there is entirely sure what this is about yet, but the large statue is going up behind the Eiffel Tower. You can see a few photos of what looks like a large seated Roman / Alexander The Great style soldier at these links below. Lets speculate guys!!!!!! http://sfmwzone.com/unknown%201.jpg http://sfmwzone.com/unknown%203.jpg http://sfmwzone.com/unknown%204.jpg
  5. hey it was just a thought. hopefully we get a new coaster
  6. i speak of this from the bottom of my heart. ive been coming to pki since i was 4 now that im 15 i really do love the park as if its home. but i was so dissapointed in the lack of thrill from delerium. i dont mean to sound like a prick but it starts like a lion but comes back a sheep. i mean the sheer size was a factor. i personally would have been more satisfied if this was how the ride was: location: not in Action Zone bring some thrill to coney mall. color was fine. height maybe 50-75 more feet. and speed. wow it really wasn't fast enough for me. and lastly would it be so hard if the ride could COMPLETE its rotation and let you go upside down or at least have thhe seats flip. again i LOVE pki with everything that i own and will still go and still ride delerium. im not bashing them in any way i just wanted to share my utter dissapointmen. i know somebody out there can support this argument.
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