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Everything posted by Oldschool75

  1. You mean ones like this! I miss them too.
  2. WS 2 is back up, but still facing the ET. I wonder if they are going to "fire" it up today or tomorrow. I guess I'll wait and see. **EDIT** WS 2 is now fixed and pointing at WS again. Also, I know these things get hit by lightning all the time. I just posted the video because it was caught on video.
  3. Just watching Fox19 and they showed time lapse of WS during one many storms we have had, lighting struck the tower twice. I took a video of the news. Sorry best i can do for now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9fP6djG49w
  4. Or maybe it means that they know what they are doing? Maybe the ride IS completed. Ever thought that maybe that gap in the seats is supposed to be there? Why would they hook up all the lighting and such if they have to do it all over again when they install the last of the seats. Think about it. They would not have a job if they did not know what they were doing. Trust them, they don't get paid to miss deadlines. I never said they didn't know what they were doing, also deadlines can be missed.
  5. Well looks like they have quit for the day. Not even 5 yet. So either there isn't much to be done and they can have it done tomorrow and certified tomorrow or friday, or WS will not open until next weekend. If they were pressing to get done, they would be working 24/7 on this thing.
  6. I would say it will not be open for opening day. If I remember (someone correct me if wrong) didn't the website used to say ride WS on opening day, or some sorts to that? Now all I can find is "WS coming in spring 2011".
  7. I would say they are behind schedule, they are working on Easter Sunday.
  8. Or go one day and sell your 2nd day to someone else at a discounted rate. You still get in cheaper. Not that I would do that, as I have a gold pass this year. I hope they offer some really good discounts this year. With gas prices up and admission prices up= Low attendance this year.
  9. Starting to think WS will not be open for opening day. With only 7 days until opening, the ride is still incomplete. Doesn't really leave time for proper testing. If I remember correctly DB was done a month before opening and was testing. Maybe I worry too much. Lol
  10. Last time I checked, it doesn't. Paramount had made some noise about a transformers attraction in one of them olde surveys they used do. I wish they still owned the park. I think he was being sarcastic. lol
  11. Well it's still standing, job site looks a little messy right now.
  12. Fox19 reported a possible transformer fire at Kings Island after a lighting strike. Not sure actually in the park or right by it. Yes I am watching the news and on my laptop in my bathroom as I do not have a basement. ***update Fox19 reported that Duke Energy said lightning struck at the park and there is a transformer fire****
  13. I got the error on both my phone and laptop, still happening.
  14. ♪♪Working in the rain la da da da Working in the rain♪♪ Sorry just trying to be funny.
  15. I think I figured out why the ride op booth has such a steep slope.... It's so they can wash the puke off easily. lol A friend of mine said the other day "What are they going to do when people start puking from 300' up in the air from spinning around at such heights?" I sure hope they put a cover over the ride queue.
  16. Seems like a cool place to visit. Funny thing when I first saw the title to this thread I was thinking this
  17. Okay we can't settle this. Time to call Mythbusters!
  18. I think they are........... ......and Big Bird even makes an appearance!
  19. Can someone explain to me how you got into the center hub to load the ride? The queue was underneath the ride. And there was a stairway up the middle.
  20. "What is this SOB you speak of?" On a side note.. I hope we see this kind of weather for opening weekend. As long as it doesn't rain I'll be there.
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