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Everything posted by Oldschool75

  1. I think this needs some decoding as well. Yeah it hurt my head just to try and decode this post alone.
  2. I'd rather it be just torn downs me not moved. Sorry never did like FH.
  3. These are just standard drainage channels, same as any other ride/ coaster that needs to maintain rain water or any other source of water that may pool in that area.
  4. Screamscape would report that it would be a Mr Hankey themed coaster with big turds as the trains if someone emailed Lance and told him that. Howdy Ho!
  5. In light of what happened recently at KI. And the continued talks of doing illeagal activities and trasspassing on provate property. I think we as a group need to vote on changing some rules. I would like to use this poll as a way to give a collective voice to the admins. I hate to be all 1984 and suggest that we would restrict any kind of speech, but I don't want KIC's relationship with Kings Island to be tarnished any further. My idea would be to have a 3 strike rule enforced if a member suggests any illeagal activity such as tresspassing on KI property or one of its vendors. Maybe something along the lines of 1 1st offense- Account locked for 1 week 2nd offense Acount locked for 1 month 3rd offense--Banned
  6. There is a button on the top right to mark all unread as read.
  7. Just installed on my phone. This is awesome
  8. ^Or unless they just store them out of sight.
  9. Maybe an announcement of the announcement??
  10. Were these taken on CSF's property? Because the 'CSF' on the sign in the first picture is backwards, which implies... We don't need anymore trespassing
  11. Don's latest tweet https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/361219040666071040
  12. I still think it's not going to be an invert. The track I saw matches with a train over track configuration. And as far as I know there are no other coasters being built by B&M that haven't shipped parts. The Thorpe Park Heide Park coaster and one in China have already shipped. This new track that was seen at the factory in June is straight edged track, not curved.
  13. If flat beds are there, then they are more than likely ready to start shipping track or supports. I would say we will probably start seeing something soon.
  14. Yay! Happy days are here again. Can't wait to see everyone and enjoy a awesome day at KI!
  15. Was it the green track to the left of the building if you are looking from the road? That has been there for several months now. Um No... http://www.screamscape.com/html/industry_news.htm
  16. Well the track I saw in June at CSF was for a standard B&M, not a WR or Invert. **edit stupid auto spell **
  17. Ok so he is referencing another B&M Hyper?
  18. Hey, I'm just as broke as the next person.
  19. I was just wondering what dinosaur of a camera took this picture. Please for the love of GOD, if you want to share a picture make sure people can make out what is in it. At least these were not as bad as http://www.flickr.com/photos/95776358@N02/9353295890/
  20. The thud you just heard was Don falling out of his chair from laughing so hard!
  21. Same here. I'm on my pione and when you zoom in just blurred. Oh we'll lunch is over back to work.
  22. Sounds like someone is teetering on violating the tos. If you can't point it out or say anything then don't lead everyone on. Not sure why it is such a mystery.
  23. He could also be saying today is the day for his 12,000th ride on The Racer, you never know.
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