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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. All I know is my family and I go EVERY October and LAST October was the WORST I have EVER seen at Kings Island. We could barely MOVE in the park. I'm not kidding you. I'm scared that will happen again next weekend when we go. It's just absolutely TERRIBLY crowded. People are trying to use their passes for the last time (most of us for the season) and also people can go through MANY haunted attractions for WAY cheaper at KI than if they went in their town and paid $10 to $15 JUST to go through ONE haunted house. I'm serious...it's dang expensive to go to haunted houses but KI you can go through a decent amount of them all night long and they stay open late. Problem is the crowds are just unbelievable. We were baby stepping through the park last year because there wasn't much space left in the park that didn't have people standing there!!
  2. My family of four will be going to Halloween Haunt tomorrow night (10/11)!!! Can't wait! Have 9 and almost 13 year old girls. Nervous about them getting too scared though but we went to Fear Fest in 2005 and they weren't that phased at all. It was GREAT but they didn't cry or anything if that is what people think is "really scared". I don't want them getting overly scared but they are really excited about going. I told them ALL about the fact of what to expect and I've read almost everything on this site AND I called K.I. tonight and talked to a lady who answered the phone. She said her 9 year old daughter left tonight (10/10) crying Sad. But I told my 9 year old about that and told her what the costumes may look like and how faces can look very real and not masks...bloody, nasty, etc. and that they can reach for you, touch you, make loud noises, etc. She screamed, "AWESOME!!!!!!!!!" and was SOOOO excited. This girl though is just not like your typical 9 year old. She can "take" a lot and doesn't seem to be bothered. She LOVES people, is afraid of nothing so we'll have to see. Now I'm wondering.....maybe my almost 13 year old will get scared more?? Well, we'll be there tomorrow! I HOPE it's not overly crowded but it's a Sat. so.... See everyone then!!!! I won't know who anyone is but hey.... Skyfel
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