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Bat Guano

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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Thanks Beastfreak, but they didn't make that very clear IMHO.
  2. Another thing I found odd about the Park this last trip was standing at the yellow line before 10am they give you a little speech about what's tolerated and what isn't. A guy in an FBI hat gave us the parks tolerant behaviour speech. The thing that really stood out was about "only driking alcohol in designated areas" which I can understand, but when he said "If we catch you outside the area, we'll take your beer and kick you out of the park." That's fine, but he added "We don't care, we've already got your six bucks, we'll kick you out".. Now that's a hard stance to take, and it's fine that they take it, but that's not the kind of information you tell paying customers. That sounds like a hard line approach management takes in regards to how they really view us, the customers, and it should also give you an idea of what the management thinks of you. You're just another paying toad at the park... There was no water at the fountains anywhere in the park. If you wanted a drink of water, you had to shell out 3.00 bucks for a bottle of 1.00 water. Is PKI that hard up for cash? The rides were great. The park lacked in the service department. Big time.
  3. Watch Ebay as well. I bought a 1974 brouchure for 4 bucks on Ebay, and see them from a variety of years for auction.
  4. I attended on 11/1 this year for FearFest. I have been going to PKI since the day it opened. This year the service was by far the worst I've ever experienced. It seems as if the class warfare problems in the city of Cincinatti have spilled over into the park. When the girl behind the counter comes up to the register, rolls her eyes over to me and says "Yeah".. I thought to myself, "what ever happened to May I help you, or lord forbid "Good Afternoon, may I help you".. Receiving my change I got no comment, not even a smile. What ever happened to "Thank you, or Have a nice day?".. Then I realized I was white, and she wasn't. Perhaps that was the issue. If it would have only happened once, I wouldn't have thought much about it, but this was common throughout my day in the park. PKI needs to do a better job training their help and keep the petty people from working there. It's obnoxious and unneeded. I go to the park to FORGET about the real problems in the world. YOu're breaking the illusion by hiring these people.
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