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Everything posted by KIfan1980

  1. Wow if thats true then there giving KIC a bad name. I hope RS and the park realizes that one person should not tarnish the group. And whoever did this (I doubt it is BavarianBeatle) needs to recognize that there is no benefit to "claiming to be a valued member of KIC" and using that approach would significantly devalue your level of respect around here. Haven't you seen the posts from people who called and politely gave input getting helpful answers?
  2. WindSeeker - it is new and I expect it to have long lines Diamondback - enjoy re-riding this more than anything else at the park, and have got to know a lot of regular ERT riders the last couple of years
  3. Kudos to those that called KI to voice their concern over this issue - you made your voice heard and while it may or may not make a difference that is all you can do. And to those in this thread that say the park isn't going to listen to a few fanboys/enthusiasts, you might be right - those of us that post on these boards are not the general public or even the general gold pass holder, we are not a major source of revenue for the park, and we may at times be overly critical of the park. But I'd also remind you that having a loyal fanbase can also be beneficial for the park - fanboys/enthusiasts advocate and advertise for the park (anyone convinced others to buy a pass before? anyone talked up Kings Island before?) and have also voiced their opinion in support of the park (Nov 23, 2009 and Feb 8, 2010 - Mason City Hall come to mind). Not saying KI will or should change anything, do believe they should at least listen to the concerns and evaluate.
  4. I guess my rhetorical question was too subtle You would think these kind of results would cause some questions to be asked in Sandusky. Although Six Flags is showing this year, that they also believe investment is also required for sustained growth - even continuing to promote SFMM coaster count dominance in the call.
  5. From what I read, those attendance numbers were total and not adjusted for the closing of SFKK. Either way, sounds like good numbers - how many new rides drove that growth?
  6. We'll have to see if the boys want to meet Mickey in the park during our upcoming Disney trip (a little over a month away!). If they do, I'm glad that Disney is offering a Fastpass option. I think FP is the most fair and best line management system around.
  7. This is the exact reason I didn't tell my son he'd be able to ride it this season - I knew that it might change and didn't know if he'd be tall enough. Remember I-305 ran one day with a 48" height limit from what I understand, before moving to 54".
  8. Sure doesn't read like you were at a loss for words Why are you getting bent out of shape and calling people immature for being upset about this? It is their opinion after all. Edit - this was a reply to PKIVortex - too many simultaneous posts.
  9. I understand your frustration, but this sentence points out why the park isn't going to get worried about it. From a business standpoint for them, there is very little value in having you show up at 9am on Saturday, pay nothing to park, pay nothing to enter, and leave within a couple of hours having spent nothing in the park. I'm not saying that you don't have a right to do this (I myself did it a few times the last two seasons), just looking at it from a business perspective. As for the downgrade to regular passes, what was the price difference between regular and gold when you purchased last fall? I'm not 100% positive, but I think Gold was about the same as regular for a while.
  10. Good point Sparky - sometimes the communication (or lack thereof) from KI is interesting. While it is, as you say, not a requirement for them to be more forthcoming, it could help. On a separate note - I find it amusing how many posters like to complain about people complaining about what they consider a trivial thing. To some people this is a bigger deal than others - they are allowed to be frustrated.
  11. If they didn't have ERT on WindSeeker, there would be many complaints. Logistics are therefore likely the cause of The Vortex choice v DB or Beast. Having two areas of the park open for ERT would be problematic. For me, this is an expected but unfortunate change. Many of my park trips began with DB ERT. This will likely cause less trips for me this season.
  12. In Nick days it was something like Swipers Sweepers
  13. As a frequent traveler in a past life, this made me chuckle - just remember, you can't spell Delta without late, seriously.
  14. Gary - I wish I'd read this before seeing you today. I've heard you mention this trip before, but this PTR gave a great image of what it was like. I'm an avid Mike & Mike fan - have been listening long enough to remember when Golic used to sing "Good Morning" every day - and even though I'm not a Bettis fan, it sounds like he treated you right. Thanks for sharing.
  15. I'd expect KI to have a plan for such a circumstance. I'd also expect the plan to involve a trained crew (not whatever ride op happens to be on duty) taking the responsibility for safely evacuating the disabled person. Edit - note that I'd expect said disabled person to recognize reality that their evacuation might take longer. Sorry, but that is the reality.
  16. I couldn't see the video on my iPhone, so just had to get on the computer to see that Jesse. You are lucky to have video from back then - I can only imagine the size of the camera!
  17. The Magnum rumor may have been more widespread/prevalent, but I can state with certainty that it was a common rumor at KI during the early/mid 80's that the problems with The Bat (downtime, closing, removal) were related to it sinking.
  18. If this is the parks slogan this year, it'll be yet another terrible slogan for Kings Island. What's Up? come smell the funnel cakes. where else? the fun & only. If that is really their slogan for 2011, some marketing guy should be fired. I thought it amusing when the "Cedar Point" response to "where else?" was said. I just cringe thinking of answers to "what's up?" - how about "food prices" in all likelihood.
  19. This is why I wish my wife would learn to text - it is so much easier to coordinate in the park via text (no missed calls while on rides, no trouble hearing over the background noise, no misunderstanding). And yet she doesn't, but I digress
  20. I've had no issues with my ATT IPhone or my CinBell blackberry.
  21. I read somewhere that the admission price in 1984 was $13.50. I can no longer remember how many soccer games I had to referee to earn enough for my season pass. I'll trust you on this Terpy, but I thought that the upcharge was around before Paramount. Per the timeline, the safari/habitat only lasted 1 1/2 seasons after the Paramount acquisition.
  22. I really hope this pattern continues to Action Zone next year And I'd love to see some of the other improvements to Coney mall that you mention - even just a change to the music could help bring a different feeling to the area.
  23. Used to love the slide, along with those nice cars in the background, both of which I wish the park still had.
  24. While I enjoyed the article that Terpy posted and Stalker referenced, I have to point out the good in many of the safety advances that have been made in this country over the years. It used to be more common for people to lose fingers in manufacturing accidents, it used to be more common for families to lose parents who were bridge builders, miners, etc , it used to be more common to be seriously injured in car accidents. Having your first priority be safety in any industry or life in general is the right thing to do. I think the hard part is drawing a line between protecting people from something that could accidentally happen with normal actions or protecting people from a willful act to put themselves in harms way. We can all say that we know where we'd draw that line, but a lawyer/judge/jury that disagrees will always push the line further As a kid, I used to ride Racer/Beast when there were no seat belts, dividers or headrests, and they only had buzz bars. I also recall pushing the limits of safety and doing stupid things that could have caused serious injury. Were my actions normal or willfully putting myself at risk - the park obviously thought it was close enough to that fine line to improve safety by changing things. Did it make it safer - yes. Did it make it less fun - probably not materially, but maybe a little. Is that worth it - I'd have to say yes in the big scheme of things.
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