Thanks flyer. One last question, I promise lol. Am I supposed to go to the University again or do I go back to my ride. Sorry for all the ?s. I really appreciate all the help.
When I have my rides training on next Sunday am I supposed to wear my uniform or do I not have to? I kinda ordered the wrong size and I had to ship it back and it's still not here. grrrrrr. Oh well. Thanx.
Hey Daniel, you should send an e-mail and see if you can join. It's open to anyone, not just season passholders. I don't have an official pass (I'm an employee but it's not really a season pass) and they said it was fine if I came.
Hi. I'm working on The Beast crew this summer and I have a quick question. Is it easy to request time off and how do you go about it? The reason I'm asking is b/c I have school the first week of June and then 2 Saturdays in June I have to take the ACT and SAT. Do any previous or current employees think this will be a problem. I wish I didn't have to take time off but these dates are kinda important lol. Thanx.