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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. If only there was an actual campsite near Kings Island... say in the shadow of a coaster, maybe one that hung below the track... sigh... Still best memory of KI as a kid was camping in the shadow of Top Gun, catching my pants on fire, major thunderstorm, and for some reason hearing the lift hill start up around 3 or 4 in the morning... That being said anything to raise money for cancer research is a plus in my book...
  2. But Ill say this, the lines and pizza shouldnt be cold. I really dont think the meal plan is whats causing the back up. The Festhaus for example is typically backed up, and the back up happens at the cashier line and grows from their. They can have 4 cashiers on either side, but typically only have 2 on each side. So now you have a back up people wanting to pay (theoretically, the meal plans would speed these lines up, as its just a quick scan). This back up extends into the drink fill line. You have 2 machines on either side, and maybe some cups out, maybe not. the flow of the line is that you have to turn around after your fill up, not move along (similar to Chicken Shack). Now you have people backed into the food dispensary. Now there may or may not be enough food for people. Too many options at one spot (you can get pizza, chicken fingers, burgers, sandwiches, fruit, mac and cheese). Now you are backed out through the turnstyles.... In years past, wernt the drinks poured behind the counter and there was a line of drinks that you could take and go. I specifically remember handing the worker my souvenir cup to be filled.... At Skyline in Coney Mall, they have very poor workers. No other reason. You have employees leaning on their hands. Just very poor poor service.... The meal plan has sure increased demand, but when service is poor it doesnt seem to matter if demand is 1 person or 1000 the service will still be very very poor...
  3. I think they have enough staff. Chipotle can knock out a 50 person deep line with 3-4 people (burrito and rice, meat, salsa, cashier)... It honestly looks like the food staff have the following issues: they don't care about the job and they don't have any fear about losing their job. Talking about bad KI employees, had an employee in a food service uniform fake attempt to kick my car and flip me off in the parking lot (she just got off the bus and felt like walking outside the crosswalk).... Stellar example of a model employee right there. Of course I reported it but no phone call or email response (similar to my locker complaint).... For the meal, next year the lil shark will be 3... I have to really consider if getting him a pass and meal plan is worth it or if we get a pass we may just leave and get food or eat in the parking lot.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. This is why we have ugly gates and chains everywhere. At least it's back, for now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Just wanted to post this Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Terp.... Thank you for wording it better than I ever could. I will add something a sort of former insider thing. Working in the media on something like this is terrible. I have seen video of what's left when a person and semi meet and have interviewed a person as their house burned in the background (on the day after Christmas). You get a phone call or you hear on the radio about something happens. You grab your gear and your reporter and you go. You don't know what you are getting into. You get as much info and you send it back to the station. You don't talk about the situation till after the news/when it runs. You go for drinks and you realize that you just trivialized a mans life into a 30 second hit. You realize it could have been anyone you know. Sometimes you word a thing in a way you don't like. But then again, most things like this are out of our minds by the next day because there is something bad or worse that comes up he next day... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Maybe (not a maybe) I am just defensive when it comes to the media. I really believe that the majority of the public does not need to be reminded to not enter restricted areas. The ones that do, are probably not reading news stories or will not be affected by a news story. And Terp, I live on generalizations Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Respectfully.... Here are the top 8 headline results on Google if you search for "man killed at Cedar Point".... 1. Man killed by roller coaster was looking for lost wallet, cell phone, mother says 2. Roller coaster hits, kills Cedar Point park patron - CNN.com 3. Cedar Point roller coaster reopens after teacher struck ... 4. Man killed at Cedar Point | Sandusky Register 5. Man Killed by Raptor Roller Coaster at Cedar Point Park ... 6. Teacher killed by Cedar Point roller coaster: 'He'd just gotten ... 7. Man struck, killed by Cedar Point roller coaster identified ... 8. Cedar Point guest dies after entering restricted area, being ... So forgive me, what about these headlines are misleading or wrong. Dude got hit by a coaster. I guess Im confused at what everyone is upset about. Even if I didnt read the story, the headlines (top 8) would tell me most of the story. Some dude got hit by a coaster in an area he wasnt supposed to be. People do stupid stuff. This guy was beyond stupid. But to blame the media because they are reporting facts, blows my mind...
  9. Soooo I'm confused at what people are upset about. The man was struck and killed by the Raptor. That's a fact. Also a fact he entered a restricted area. It's a horrible freak accident and of course they interview his family and friends. (I'm guessing the park won't comment).... How is it irresponsible to state that he was struck. It's no different than if he walked across 75 and got hit by a Walmart truck... And what other safety stuff would you like the reporters to put in the reports? Hey don't climb a fence and break park rules? I notice on here hat anytime someone mentions a park we all get worked up over it. A ride gets stuck and we scream it's a safety thing. The news reports hey it's a safety thing and we scream why are you reporting this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. True story. I think I have used mine about 10-12 times this year. So I'm now at Positive ROi Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Especially since it's advertised as with a drink so it reads $14.... The meal plan has caused me from spending $0 in the park on food and drinks (one refillable water bottle each year that turns into free water) into spending cash on drinks snacks, an extra meal for mrs shark... If it were to go away I would pack my meals or leave the park. The meal plan mixes cost effective with ease... If one or both goes away so does my buying it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Chicken takes 3.5 minutes to deep fry if frozen and precooked... If fresh and raw you are looking at about 5 mins.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. OH I dont doubt that at all. I was just speaking about the lines. Lines would be up more than last year since last yr that restaurant was not on the meal plan and this year it is. My dad used to tell me (who ran restaurants) that your profit margin on food is subtle, but its the profit from soft-drinks that are large. A case of pop (5 gallon of the syrup) ran for 20-30 dollars (whole sale for the restaurants a few years back) and would make about 300 soft drinks. If you only sold the drinks for a dollar then you made a 60-70 dollar profit just on drinks... I would expect KI to pay today probably in the $50-60 range, and a drink is $5.... So if you got 1500 on a 60 dollar case, thats huge... dont know if its enough to off-set the price of the food, but I dont know...
  14. In all fairness, last year CFA wasnt on the dining plan, so I would expect they would see an uptick in their sales...
  15. People got to eat.... that thought process is why a Combo is $15....
  16. We had family come down and usually during the day we would all go to the Skyline up the road. Instead they got meal plans for the day $30, and we all ate in the park multiple times during the day. There was no rush to Skyline... But to be honest, there are so many more options right there that its possible the drive thrus are getting the increased business from the park
  17. Awe man, those were actually some of the best ones my last trip. My buddy and I had a blast racing each other....
  18. Well I have no idea whats being spoken but I think I learned what I need to do differently. I dont flip the wing till Im almost near the top or almost near the bottom. I have only gotten 1 semi snap. But it looks like from the video that to snap I should do the following (and if its wrong please let me know) 1. As the glider is rising out away from the structure point the wing to the center 2. when it hits it peak and starts to fall point the wing away from the center 3. when you hit the bottom point to the center... repeat as needed, right?> Man I must have gotten super lucky or screwed up big time haha
  19. for you. For someone like me who got 1 snap in and couldnt get it back or the multiple others who cant... It helps limit the amount of snaps. The ride is situated right on the border.
  20. Terpy you have no idea. I was beyond proud of the things mini-shark has accomplished this year. This year he rode the mini-whip (and broke into tears causing the ride to stop, but he rode it), he rode the bumper cars for the first time (backwards in a circle but now has figured out how to make them go into straight lines), went to the water park, and so much more. These memories are honestly worth 10x the amount that we pay for the passes and food. And you are right familiarity does breed contempt. I have been more in the past 2 years than I have been in the last 10. I see the flaws but go because of the memories and it really is a treasure to have so close..
  21. 100% agreed. I really do love the park but man some things are really starting to pile up that make it hard to enjoy the park (the lack of a floral clock, the smoking sections located right on the walkway versus just off of the walk way, the lack of shadey spots to sit and enjoy the park (there are a few left but some of these are turned into smoking sections), running out of souvenir cups, slow food lines, rude/poor customer service, the locker fiasco, Dinosaurs sort of Alive, the prices of food and drinks, lack of paint on Racer, the disrepair of other ride parts-lights etc). Yet the park takes steps forward in other areas like the refurbishment of Shake Rattle and Roll (which looks great), the Gliders and the other new Planet Snoopy ride, the petting zoo in PS, the relative "cheapness" of buying a season pass and food pass and the amount of memories that allows for my son and I to make. Maybe Im just being overly picky. Maybe its comparing it to Disney. Maybe Im just starting to wonder what Im getting for my money... We will probably renew for next year as its a cheap summer experience for my family....
  22. On Saturday (8/1) the park was completely sold out of cups except for the stand out in front of the gate. We walked around from 10-12 trying to find a cup till we were told to leave the park and get one outside (it was the purple one with the 2015 bar code). When we were in the water park, I was purchasing food at the hot dog stand when a sup had mentioned to a worker that they just delivered cups to the subway but didnt expect them to be there for more than a few minutes.... We went yesterday with some family from out of town. They wanted to buy a drink band but were not allowed to because they can only be purchased online (thats what they were told). So they had to buy a souvenir cup and then were given green Saturday bands. The workers at every booth did not scan the cups but looked for the green bands. A guy in front of us said he lost his and they gave him a new one (and free refills)..... The cups are still a good deal because 2 pops would be $10, so even for my out of town family 2 souvenir cups for $30 (without gold discount) was a better deal than buying 3 drinks for 2 meals since they were able to refill them as they wanted...
  23. Went today, the clock not working does bother me. Ill miss it if its gone. If something happens, I hope its just moved... 5-1 in Vortex is not nearly as nice as 7-1 (friendly good natured ribbing)...
  24. Beast Banshee Bat Racer Diamondback Vortex Former Reptar Woodstock Express Backlot Flight of Fear Adventure Express Surf Dog Invertigo Voted by which ones I have to want to or will reluctantly ride. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Less superhuman strength and more an inability to feel pain or the pain of your muscles ripping. Same as an adrenaline rush and you hear people lifted a car off of someone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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