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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. that would be great, but i just called up on what to do i.e. audiotions, interview things, and the guy told me i had to come in and audiotion and i was thinking "so what i have to go in and act like a monster in front of the employer :l. anyone who has previously worked there would be great and thanks for the help hopefully i get the job and we can team up and scare people Take a sheet from the bed...cut two eye holes and put it on your head.
  2. I will do my best to get a photo of it on a weekend trip coming here in the next few weeks. That is the area in question, however, the whole walk area is twisted over, the track area is twisted over far more than that photo suggests, and, there are many boards just hanging loose. I just think nit goes back to the original lawsuit KI filed against the contractor for using sub-standard wood products during construction. Add to that 2+ years of sitting with no maintenance, and you have failures.
  3. I can vouch for this...just saw it yesterday, you can see it plainly from Adventure Express. Not real familiar with the layout on SOB, but, one of the middle lifthills is completely turned askew, track faces directly towards AE, the support boards are turned over as well, many look broken and missing. Looks like the whole area collapsed, and twisted the track sideways. Didn't take my camera, but, would be very easy for someone to get a shot of it. True as the North Star.
  4. Going Weds for our last weekday visit of the year. Going to do everything short of drugging my wife to get her to ride the Diamondback.
  5. Diamondback on Steroids. Looks cool.
  6. I have never understood the mentality of running when the park opens, though, I see it every time we go. I mean, you have a Gold Pass. You'll get plenty of rides before the huddled masses arrive at 10.
  7. I've already e-mailed Dave Altman, whatever good that will do.
  8. Russ, I certainly would not want to become a member of any community that will kick out it's members for speaking up about things that are wrong...especially about a fluid situation such as Fast Lane and the seating problems therein...nor would I wish to remain a member of an organization that would have someone post about me personally on a website that is here to air such things. I think that KI would readily admit that they are having issues with the Fast Pass system, and that it is a trial balloon. Having been to the park numerous times since the inception of Fast Pass, I'm not sure that even the employees are sure from day to day what to do with it. Furthermore, why is it OK for Russ to publicly out a fellow ACE member on an online forum? Prior to Russ doing that, I had no idea at all of anything ACE related, didn't even know ACE existed, didn't know Raptor Guy was an ACE member, much less a leader in the organization. Seems very, very wrong of Russ as a "leader" in the ACE community to air his dirty laundry in such a public way. Makes the entire organization look silly, petty, and mean spirited.
  9. I never go at crowded times, so, this does not really bother me personally...though, I can certainly see where some folks might get a case of the red ass about it. Lets face it, the amount of upcharge attractions is growing, and will continue to do so.
  10. Was down yesterday...didn't see anyone working on it.
  11. What exactly would one complaining about...sounds like most rides had very short waits and the park made some easy money on their new system. Sounds like some employees need to watch what they say to guests about the new system. They may not agree with management decisions, but you don't complain to the customer about it, you talk to your managers about it. There was nothing to complain about...just passing on what two folks said to me. Came about because, after 7pm, when the Fast Lane was over, I asked if the lane was a single rider only line again, as I was by myself at the time. That is when I was told that it would not be single rider line ever again...and to "please go complain to management", begging me to go find someone to voice my displeasure. I didn't really care, was just asking. Did notice, though, that the DB was going out with 4-8 empty seats per car, every time, though I was only in line for 5-10 minutes. I can imagine that this will become a problem on a sweltering hot Saturday...I don't know that we've heard the last of it. The only thing that I could see was blatant stupidity on the consumers part, and blatant gouging by Cedar Fair in actually selling people $50 useless wristbands on a dead Weds.
  12. We were openly mocking the ones who bought them yesterday...everything in the park was esssentially a walk on...5 minute wait for DB, walk on Beast, one ride cycle wait for WindSeeker, one cycle wait for Drop Tower, etc. Not a ton of them, but saw enough of them on to really question some people and their sanity...though, most I saw with it on had park maps with them. Talked to a couple folks working DB, they said openly "Please go complain to management, this is the stupidest thing they have ever done"
  13. Delirium, Flight of Fear, Firehawk, Beast, Diamondback, Drop Tower, let's see what that old ticker has left...especially in the 95 degree heat.
  14. Only problem I have with the ride is that it takes longer to walk to it than it does to ride it...what is it, 1:50 or so? And, if you do take the walk, and there is a line, you are already pot committed. Great ride, fun ride, just so short. That said, the work they did on it this season tells me that it isn't going anywhere. Cars are in fine shape, IMO. There is just a gaping hole in that section of the park that needs to be filled one way or another.
  15. Always, ALWAYS, avoid the park during Jeebusfest...was fun though on Weds to see them cleaning the old dinosaur that is Timberwolf for the weekends Jeebus music.
  16. I was on that same WS ride with you last night...we were all kind of bummed, thinking we were probably going to miss the fireworks by one ride cycle, only to have one thing after another line up in our favor. Was nothing short of amazing. So sorry for your loss.
  17. Agreed. Beast is as smooth as it has been in my memory, at least since the mid 80's. As long as you know where to brace yourself, in that one spot, ride is great. Also, rode it twice yesterday, seemed faster than at any point this season.
  18. They were working all day on cobbling together the lift chain yesterday.
  19. Finally was able to ride WindSeeker yesterday...was a bit late to open, though. Rode DB 4 times and Beast twice during ERT ... Now, I am absolutely petrified of heights. Coasters have always been fine, but...Bridges scare me, tall buildings I have no desire to creep to the edge. I thought about ducking out the 30 minutes we waited, but, my 12 year old daughter talked me thru it. Ride was fine until it started spinning. At that point, started praying to Jeebus. Eyes closed. The centripetal force that sends you to the 45 degree angle, for a guy afraid of heights was almost too much. Finally opened my eyes once at the top...what an awesome view. Once it started lowering, a sense of relief. Once off, thankful to be back on the ground. A fun ride, worth the 30 minute wait, but, not my favorite thing ever by a long shot. We did it again around 3pm, this time, knowing what to expect, was much easier for me to handle, though, still very frightening, but more in a fun way. Felt very safe the second time around. Did it a third time, got in line at 9:30. Made it up just in time to see the fireworks at 10pm for nearly the entire ride cycle...we were kind of bummed, as we thought we were going to be one cycle too early...but, a 350+ pounder wasted 4 minutes, and finally had to take the walk of shame, so, we won! FIreworks started about 3/4 of the way up, and lasted for the remainder of the ride. AWESOME!! Riding at night seems much more intense, as you lose your sense of where you are in a way. The fireworks made the ride for me. Will be a one time rider per visit from now on. Preferably by getting in line at 9:30 ish.
  20. Huzzah! Huzzah! Still hoping WindSeeker is operational for tomorrows visit...
  21. Tis all I am saying... Not making money off of me as an individual? What does that have to do with anything? I have no right to want something changed because I am a pass holder? That is patently absurd. Bottom line is, management is being obtuse, stubborn, ignorant, whatever you want to call it. It was not a wise decision, and, they have ample time to change it to ANYTHING else, does not have to be DB/Beast. When folks travel, and arrive early to do the advertised, agreed upon ERT rides, and both times within a week the main attraction for said ERT is not operating, does not take a rocket scientist to see that something needs to be tweaked.
  22. WindSeeker wuold be fine...PROVIDED it is running...a little proofreading of my post would tell you that. Been to two ERT's in an effort to ride WindSeeker...to no avail. Again, as I stated earlier, if KI is going to make WindSeeker one of the ERT rides, do it next year, when the kinks are worked out. Quite a simple answer. I would rather them do any two other rides for the rest of this year, even The Racer instead of WindSeeker, simply because the WindSeeker has, at best, a 50/50 shot of being open. It is also no business of yours how many times I choose to go early, it is a perk I paid for. If I go and do ERT every day, so be it. If WindSeeker is listed as the ERT ride, and I show up at 9:30am to ride it, I expect to be able to ride said ride. Funny you can pick that out, and not the root of my post...that the ERT rides need to be operational rides, not open half the days at best. That is where KI is being obtuse.
  23. You can try to belittle people if you want....bottom line is, KI is being incredibly stubborn when it comes to ERT rides, which, is a big reason that some of us spring for the Gold passes. If they want to make WindSeeker an ERT next season, when the kinks are worked out, fine. I would just think that it is in their best interest to have your ERT rides, which by definition are your "premier" rides, operational. With a closed WindSeeker, you are left with the 24 year old Vortex, which has seen better days, and the Backlot Stunt Coaster, which is a glorified kiddie coaster. Frankly, it is not worth coming early anymore...and, I've been at the park for ERT rides 8 times so far...twice to watch them work on the WindSeeker and toil on the tired Vortex.
  24. I'm 6'6", 230 lbs, and the only real issue I have is squeezing into The Vortex...if I sit too tall, it hurts my shoulders, if I squeeze down a bit, that safety belt...you know...is in a certain spot. Quite the balancing act to stay comfortable. Everything else I fit in, after tucking my legs in. If I was half an inch taller, I don't think I'd be able to ride Drop Tower. They won't let me on Deliruim. SOB was the worst, though that was in the first trains, never rode it after they took out the loop.
  25. Sunday they had the Backlot coaster running, presumably in place of WindSeeker. Vortex is still an ok ride, but really showing it's age, especially as an ERT ride. I must say, the WindSeeker looked cool in the fog from the second Beast lift hill. It was at the top at 10am, with workers on at least 2 of the 4 sides. Sunday was certainly not windy, just rainy. I am still of a strong mind that KI is being very stubborn in making those two/three rides ERT rides. Go back to Beast/DB.
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