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  1. Does selling an extra 10,000 season passes benefit them anymore?
  2. Something about Orion that I'm surprised wasn't mentioned- I don't see any gates in the station to separate each row. I would imagine that they would be installed by now if they are in the design? Maybe we will be getting a preshow in the quonset hut, where rows will be assigned?
  3. Supposedly the ride has reopened now with one train running (Chess).
  4. For everyone at the park, any possible signs of construction/how does the former Dinosaurs Alive area look?
  5. I really like that KI is paying attention to the theming of the surrounding area when designing new buildings. We saw this with the new funnel cake building in Rivertown, and I hope it’s a trend that continues. Also, did anyone else notice the nod to The Bat in the concept art? Really nice touch
  6. Sorry, I was trying to be sarcastic. My fault that it didn't come across that way. I realize it's just a funny coincidence and not actually the strategy of Cedar Fair's installments at Kings Island.
  7. As far a timing, I think it's pretty clear we're looking at 2020. Think about it.... Magnum XL-200 built in 1989 +20 years = Diamondback in 2009 Raptor built in 1994 + 20 years = Banshee in 2014 Millennium Force in 2000 + 20 years = Giga in 2020 That's called logic boys and girls
  8. Taking 5 of 7 rides seems a bit greedy to me. I think we should distribute the wealth...
  9. Ha, trust me that's the first step when I leave any maze!
  10. Do they alternate between which side of the wall you put your hand on? Last week it was the right side, this week it was the left side. Are they planning to randomly switch the side used?
  11. Funny story about the FUN TV POVs. I was in line for Millenium Force at CP in front of a group of teenagers. A POV of The Beast came on the screen and the group talked about how they had to ride it next. I later saw them walking off and arguing which direction The Beast was in!
  12. Actually they've been around for a couple years, and sometimes there is a special for 250 point tickets.
  13. Does anyone remember the thrill rating for the old Flying Eagles? I saw on the new KI app that Woodstock Gliders has a rating of 1, which I thought was surprisingly low.
  14. I'm still trying to get over the idea of a $15 million dive coaster. That seems very...cheap.
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