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    Dayton, Ohio
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    Film Director
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    EDM Producer
    Roller Coaster Enthusiast

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  1. I agree. Instead of a Meet & Greet with Snoopy, it could end up being with Snoopy's mother's brother's cousin twice removed. When arguing that ACER's were signing up and paying$$ for Snoopy, what KI meant to say is it's been with Snoopers all along and never Snoopy. BTW...I can't afford $100s+ for a membership JUST to go to my local Theme Park for a private event ON TOP of the fees to get in plus Season Pass. Don always had it priced right where everyone could afford it...and not just for the rich. Don always treated us right. Always. You want Snoopy? You get Snoopy! You want Don? You get Don.
  2. I really hope that KI keeps their lowkey and simple theming as it is. THAT'S what will distinguish us from every other copycat Theme Park. I don't need DC or anything else rammed down my throat. We already get the numbers. If anything....bring back a "Resurrection Grave Yard" of all the classic favorites. I've been pushing for this for years. All new construction, but bring back King Cobra, Firehawk... Add a movie theatre, roller skating and park benches for the park watchers and older folk who just would love to sit and relax. That's all I have to say about that.
  3. I think that Don is professional enough that it's not like him to disclose any negativity or reason for the departure. I hope that maybe he'll start a new Hockey Franchise and I can be his Organist & DJ during the games. I'll sure miss him.
  4. I remember when I worked Security in 2005 and I always got the post where there were Wasp Nests everywhere fence line, in the grass, under the seats. I couldn't do one show and there would be guests coming asking to move because of the bees or wasps. I even thought 16 years ago that it needed revamped. I don't think it needs to be bigger as the audience side goes, but they do need a new stage. I honestly think it needs to be moved to another part of the park to be honest. I think back between Racers or even build it where Vortex is. Now that there is Great Wolf Lodge, they don't need to hear it right that close. Usually most shows were done by 10 at the latest. I think having it back by the fireworks could be incorporated with timing of the concerts.
  5. I believe this was taken in the Summer of 2012. I was practicing photography using a "Tilt-Shift" technique with my camera. I took photos from all angles on the Eiffel Tower that day with a lot of happy results. This is my Vortex Photo I'm submitting. RIP Vortex.
  6. Hello Everyone. I haven't been on since I was able to 98% figure out Mystic Timbers layout a few years back and I can't wait to spend hours playing with this new "Mystery Coaster" plans. I truly believe that CF will allow us to have the title of the largest Coaster in Ohio. It seems playful to banter back and forth with CP and since KI has been doing extremely well over the past several years, I'm starting to feel that there is more to the expansion than what we are led to believe. I say in 10 years, KI will continue working on the "Family Feel" for riders of the household that Diamondback is too much and The Racers isn't enough with more Flat Rides to come. Kids park is fine. With the return of Antique Cars, maybe my "Resurrection Park" will be built by bringing back King Cobra, Screamin' Demon and such. With NEW Coaters Like MT and Diamondback every 3 to 4 years, I think we're on a great course for the future for an All Around Great Amusement Park and eventually voted Ohio's Best! I've met "the girl" last year and will be proposing this weekend at the Columbus Zoo. She's a Teacher, Home School Teacher and Nurse in Michigan. I'll be transplanting up there this Summer and I'm working on obtaining my Real Estate License in Michigan. I'll be alright. I will be enjoying and watching all the comments from afar. It's okay...but I will miss you all.
  7. Like I've been saying all along since I've joined KIC...Kings Island needs to build a "Resurrection Park". Bring back Antique Cars, King Cobra, Witches Wheel, Sky Riders and a Dark Ride from the past. I always thought they needed to expand the park from Coney Mall and build something for nostalgic sake. I would even be happy with a Camp Ground or SOB reboot too. Just my thought before 2 pm announcement. I also thought that one day, they could build an action theatre near Coney Mall to produce LIVE shows at night and have fireworks incorporated into it. They could also update Timber Wolf and bring back a concert series again. If they were to expand back from Coney Mall...this could give Winterfest and Haunt more possibilities. I'm done...Goodnight.
  8. I'll tell you exactly what's in the shed!!! #WhatsInTheShed https://youtu.be/dYg-LtUxhcE?t=1m18s
  9. My son Eli is 23 months old and is baaaarely less an inch away from 36 in which he can graduate to the next level of rides other than Train Junction and moon buggies. But hey, he still gets in for free and who's complaining. Right? It's funny other parents ask if he's 3. Haha. Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
  10. #Whatsintheshed Well, if you are able to look at the POV and the photo side by side, you can follow along as this fits nicely. When it comes to the shed...there isn't much room left on the track so it's gonna have to be something either an inversion roll over back to the station or something Spooky. It's the part that will cross over the train tracks I painted in red and with the bright arrows. I tried to quickly diagram it with the tiny blue arrows in the direction of the track. Props to GavPenn for making this interesting and fun run at decoding #MysticTimbers Whatsintheshed by KingsIsland1972, on Flickr
  11. My prediction is a Giga Coaster next to Banshee using the old SOB Train Station. #TeamReuse #TeamRecycle #TeamGiga2020 HeeHee!
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