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Anonymous KIC G.M.

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  1. Offending posts have been removed. Please keep to the topic at hand.
  2. You, sir, did NOT fail. You planned a day for posters to get together, meet each other and most importantly: spend a day having fun at a place everyone mutually loves going. For it to be an "official" event in the sense of the word that enthusiasts have come to know - yes, one of the main folks from KIC would've had to endorse it. Back in 2008 at KIC Day, the event was planned by the KIC staff in conjunction with some great folks at the park. Many perks and special things were afforded to attendees, that event also came with a price to attend. I do not speak for Boddah1994 or Dane, but maybe in the future another "official" KIC Day could happen. In the meantime, I believe OhioColts did a great thing and I applaud him of his efforts. Regardless of the title, the point is a group of people got together and had fun. Posters planning days to get together and meet have happened frequently in the past on these boards and I hope it continues into the future. It's always great to share your love of the park with like-minded people. Now, in regards to this topic. Please keep any posts from here on our focused on the original posters topic: JonCars05's Fun Perks complaint. Keep it civil. If you're posting in regards to general FunPerks subjects or something else, please use the appropriate topic. Thank you.
  3. Thank you. This topic is now closed, please refer to the above topic in the future. Needed some beauty rest.
  4. What a way to open a thread! http://www.KICentral...ake-sobs-place/ http://www.KICentral...ation-location/ These are all good threads to discuss coming attractions. Thank you. Please refer to the above topics
  5. This topic has run its course and is nothing more than a duplicate of a similar topic.
  6. No need to hate on KIE, it's a good site as well and their admin does a very nice job of maintaining a well organized site.
  7. This topic is for general discussion about the ride. Topics about speculating what might replace it and the details of its demolition also exist. Post in them accordingly.
  8. ^Has a moderator done something to offend you?
  9. May I have your attention please! This thread is now closed. Please use the already started topic here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25396-action-zone-makeover-2013/page__hl__%2Baction+%2Bzone+%2B2013__fromsearch__1 Thank you to LongLiveKingCobra and remember that search is your friend!
  10. If Toto's "Rains of Africa" aren't playing in the station, then I'm closing this site down.
  11. May I have your attention please! The offensive posts by previously banned members under new names have been taken care of. If you notice any problems in the future, please do not hesitate to click the "report" button.
  12. May I have your attention please! This topic is now closed.
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