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Everything posted by Kelmarie1980

  1. Oh I understand they probably lost quite a bit of money from the program, but it helped us out a lot and I wasn't happy to see it go at all, I can go and not spend a lot of money but it will be very difficult and may have to become a twice a month thing this season as opposed to last year's weekly visits. Which makes me and the kids very sad.
  2. When I first saw the headline in my email from them concerning Fun Perks, I thought it was just reminding me to start using them again. I deleted the email so I no longer have my coupon for bringing a friend. I found out because my best friend actually read the email. I was very unhappy when I learned of this and after learning that I had to once again buy new drink cups I became very upset. I did send them an email concerning all of this on Monday, but I have yet to hear anything back. I understand they are a business and are there to make money, but we know the CEO's are not strapped for cash. The Fun perks program made it cost effective for my family of six to go to Kings Island on a weekly basis and not stretch our budget very far with the all day drink wrist bands for 5.00 and being able to fill our popcorn bucket. Next year, I most likely will not be buying passes depending on what kind of deals they offer us later this season.
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