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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Thanks for all the replies. I'll try to get there a little early and see if I can get through quickly and I'll try to make a ridiculous face.
  2. I hope I don't get beat up for posting another season pass question but I'm coming to the park on Saturday and plan on purchasing a season pass. My question is, how long does this process usually take? I might make 4 or 5 trips to the park this year so it's not a huge deal if I don't get one...it's not like I'll be losing a ton of money. If it takes a long time or the lines are usually long to get the pass I might be better off just getting my ticket at Kroger. Another question, does guest services open at the same time as the park or do they open a little bit earlier? I'm looking forward to my trip Saturday and will post a trip report once I'm back home. Thanks for the help.
  3. Thanks for the advice and warm welcome everyone.
  4. I created an account last year so I could post on here but had some computer problems and before I got them fixed we already made our trip. I don't live close to the park and have only been once in the past 15 years so I don't really have much to contribute. Like I said, I'm coming in 2 weeks with my nephew and want it to be a memorable experience for him and I come here trying to learn as much as possible so he has a great time. I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.
  5. Thanks for all the info guys. We're still planning on going and I'm sure we'll have a great time. I do agree with you guys...Flight of Fear and Diamondback were both 20-30 minute waits most of the day.
  6. Hello everyone! I read this forum almost daily and am jealous of everyone that gets to visit Kings Island on a regular basis. I moved back to Indiana last year and took my then 15 year old nephew to Kings Island and we had a blast. Recently he asked me if I could take him on the 24th of May and of course I said yes. I later realized that this was Memorial Day weekend and got a little concerned that the park would be packed. I intend to purchase Fast Lane Plus for both of us and was wondering if it would still be too busy for him to enjoy our trip. Last year we went on a Saturday and with our Fast Lane Plus passes our longest wait was 20 minutes for Diamondback and The Beast was only a 5 minute wait. I know there is no way to predict this but assuming the weather is nice do you think the wait times will still be fairly minimal with Fast Lane Plus? I've been trying to spend as much time with him as I can since his dad is in the military and has been gone since the beginning of the year and I want him to have a blast during our trip. Thanks!
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