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Everything posted by APE

  1. While watching hoards of people pile into the Diamondback Fast Lane line I have come to agree with whoever said they should sell them at a higher price and limit them a lot more in the amount of passes that are sold each day.
  2. Hey I'm happy that many people are packing that park. The more that come to the park the more money that's made and in a number of years that means a shiny new toy!
  3. I was not expecting the crowds to be that heavy especially with everything going on downtown.
  4. It was way more crowded today than I thought it would be. It looked like a Saturday to me.
  5. I witnessed this three different times in line for Diamondback today. No one cared. It was a bit frustrating.
  6. Back left is what I've had my eye on.
  7. I want rides in all seats front and back row on Gatekeeper. I have yet to ride it.
  8. You couldn't keep me off the rides when I became tall enough.
  9. So say it is a moderately busy day do you think I could get 8 rides on Gatekeeper and 2 on all other majors in one day using Fast Lane +?
  10. If she is tall enough why not let her ride it?
  11. I don't know if they were sold there but I had both as a kid and still have them somewhere.
  12. I still don't get the Jonathan thing. But okay. And if Tim Burton is making the movie I'm not watching.
  13. So to the people that have used the Cedar Point Fast Lane did you like it and would you buy again?
  14. Just like how smokers stay in the designated areas or face ejection from the park?
  15. Im not saying I've done it or plan on doing it. I am saying personally I don't see it as being a problem. We don't have to agree and the park doesn't have to agree. And yes I see a difference not just a plain and simple stealing.
  16. Don't you go killing my dreams.
  17. Oo how the mighty have fallen. RIP Blockbuster.
  18. The park got their money is the thing. Im not going to go up to someone who is about to buy one and give it to them.
  19. Im talking people already there. And no I don't see it as wrong if im not going to be using it. Pay it forward not let it go to waste especially with concert tickets.
  20. I want I305 mainly because that coaster is number one on my bucket list to ride.
  21. The weekend we go will be there first trip away since our son was born. Im hoping it goes smoothly.
  22. I've been wanting to get a Smart Car and fit it with a train horn just so I can get behind someone in a giant diesel truck and make them poop themselves after I hit the horn. I also want one of the Smart Cars fitted with a busa engine.
  23. I didn't wait for Banshee opening day. I have yet to wait longer than twenty minutes.
  24. My wife is who I do all my visits with and she will ride thing ten times in a row with me as she is an enthusiast too.
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