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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. Then again, it's the quality for what you are paying for that people are upset about. If I was buying an $8 hamburger for $10, not bad. If I'm buying a $2 hamburger and paying $10, then I think it's not worth it at all. And therein lies the problem...quality of the food. And I agree that their pricing is right in line with most other amusement parks. On the other hand, I understand that Kennywood has good food at good prices, so there's always an exception to the rule.
  2. Yes, KI needs a construction cam just like Cedar Point does. And maybe at least one other pointing out onto one of the midways.
  3. 16 zillion sounds too few to me. Boddah, I thought it was the most toys wins!
  4. KIBeast

    New track?

    Shaggy has stated on Coasterbuzz that this is definitely not a dive coaster. THAT, I can believe.
  5. Yeah, well, if you scraped up enough change from your couch, you could probably afford a SF season pass. I will miss the bacwards Racer. I may just skip it this year.
  6. Yeah, I can't wait to see the pics too!
  7. So cool. So, will this be a new mini golf course? I know there was one already, but can't remember if it was 18 holes. Never played it. And, if the old wasn't 18 holes, is the new a redo of the old with additional play? I really need to get to Camden.
  8. KIBeast

    The Crypt

    The Crypt never looked better.
  9. Hmmm, 2002 isn't even an option. Someone should correct that.
  10. Perhaps a look into the future? I really don't know I rode Double Loop and I stand by what I said.
  11. I gotta share this story about my niece's first big coaster. My sister, brother-in-law, and I went to KI sometime early 90's. My niece had been on smaller coasters, but nothing the size of even Top Gun or Adventure Express. My niece was just getting to the right height to ride. So, we convinced her to walk the pathway of Top Gun just to "look" at it. Then, when we got real close, we told her that we couldn't back out of line and we had to ride. She loved it!
  12. KIBeast

    The Crypt

    I just wish it would spin you like Texas Twister at Geauga Lake.
  13. Hopefully someone will buy Big Dipper and The Villain. After that, there's not really much else worth saving.
  14. Not a bad idea. What was your thinking on how it would be determined?
  15. Those are some great pics, Gordon! I've not been to the Cincy Zoo, but I have been to the Columbus Zoo. I had never been to a zoo before. My only problem was that I went in August, the day after Ozzfest, and it was so hot, a lot of the animals just looked miserable. Strangely enough, we went inside the elephant exhibit and there were no elephants to be found. I was thinking, exactly where do you hide an elephant? Their Aquarium was pretty awesome as well. I was with a couple of friends. We went into the Gorilla section and it was really cool spotting the silverback gorilla. A couple, who was not paying attention, were suddenly frightened as the silverback came over behind them and slapped the plexiglass really loudly. They just about jumped out of their skin.
  16. Yes, you did say that Boddah. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing that '80s show.
  17. Tubaman, my first was the Little Dipper at Camden Park. Soon after, it was the Big Dipper.
  18. Where have you been Jackson? Question is, will that Chinese food be any good?
  19. That is so true, tggr! You get tagged as a Cedar Fair fan boy.
  20. I see Banana Spilts are winning. Could this be a sign of things to come?
  21. ^^^^If you believe that, then you are pretty gullible.
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