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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. KIBeast


    For some reason the words "Flight Commander" and "Drop Zone" come to mind... PS Monroe, I'm sure nobody is going to argue that the restraints on a flying coaster are there to keep you in however you cannot make the statement that EVERY coaster that goes upside down requires restraints to keep riders in their seats. Given competent riders, there are many coasters that would be just fine without restraints holding riders in. I have a very old video of King Kobra at KD when it was new without restraints and people riding it. Before it launched the operator would explain that the centripetal force would keep the riders in. Many of Anton Schwarzkopf's coasters (that went upside down) never had restraints and operated just fine. I don't know when the last time you took a physics class was, but I've taken three in the last 2 years, not to mention statics, dynamics, strengths of materials, thermodynamics, and mechanics of materials, and had countless discussions with many people about roller coaster physics. http://rcdb.com/ig637.htm?picture=5 ^The people in this picture are not wearing restraints^ http://rcdb.com/ig637.htm?picture=2 ^Nobody is falling out in this picture^ http://rcdb.com/ig1152.htm?picture=4 It is very obvious that you have not been on that coaster, and yes I have. This is the very same coaster with the original restraints. As you can see, there is a lap bar that comes down around your waist. I am not going to explain what happens regarding gravity forces in a loop again, so go back and read my posts. Also, if you have taken that many classes and you still think you are perfectly safe without restraints. Then I would take the classes again or get my money back. This is basic physics, and with that comes many variables. For example, you mentioned Schwarzkopf, I am assuming that you are referring to his single loop coasters. Take a look at the loop, it is not as tear drop looking as most loops. This gives you a more constant g-force all the way through the loop. Any coaster that you might have a video of where the coaster does not have restraints, that video was taken shortly before they added restraints. That the ride currently has restraints after 4 relocations is of little consequence. The ride ran for many years without restraints whether you like it or not, and the video was taken several years after the ride was installed at KD CLEARLY you need to take some very basic physics to understand the idea of centripetal force. How else do you explain when a hotwheel's car makes it through a loop on a plastic track. Its the same as how a passenger stays in a Schwarzkopf coster through a loop. Here maybe this will help you understand: Notice the beginning in bold and underlined!!! Look simple physics will tell you that if the train is going fast enough that the road wheels are in contact with the track, then the riders who are subjected to the same forces of the train, will remain in contact with their seats. If a coaster like a Schwarzkopf shuttle loop is designed such that the road wheels stay in contact during the loop, which they do, the riders will not fall out. That is not to say that on Vortex during the corkscrews the road wheels are always in contact, that would be a case where restraints are necessary. You obviously do not know, because SIMPLY PUT, if the centripetal force (or acceleration force) throughout the loop is greater than the force of gravity gravity, you will not fall out. END OF STORY, whether the loop is a eliptical or circular. Also do not tell me to take my classes again or get my money back, thats just plain immature. Thank you class. PS this information is CONFIRMED. My source is the Laws of Physics, Isaac Newton, and How-Stuff-Works.com As David Lee Roth might say, CLASS DISMISSED! (For you older folk) Looks like a pretty solid arguement.
  2. It's cool that it will be the world's fastest coaster, but, I think it would be really boring considering that there's nothing else to the ride.
  3. Looks like the new trains have arrived at SFMM. The pics are kinda small, so hopefully we'll see some better pics in the near future.
  4. KIBeast

    Take a Ride Out

    I'm probably in the minority here, but I love the Mantis. King Kobra was my first stand-up and it was great for the time, but, the B&M's just do so much more and I don't really remember all that much headbanging until after the corkscrew. And, that's only because there are a lot of direction changes that occur after that. I am highly doubting we'll see any new stand-ups ever. It was a fad and so faded just like a fad. Although, the one thing I love about KK over Mantis was the trick track section.
  5. KIBeast


    I think we needed to see that again. Gordon and Tggr are correct. Between the lady being intoxicated and the operation policy by Intamin was what lead to her demise. It had nothing to do with KI's maintenance team. I would really trust them and the maintenance guys at CP considering Ohio has really strict State safety codes that they have to abide by. Not only that, but it's been proven over and over that most accidents, including the fatal ones, are due to rider error, not faulty maintenance.
  6. Yeah, Rumor Smasher, you can't be serious. CF, if anything, will be a huge improvement over Paramount. Paramount did install some cool rides, but, they removed way too many flats over the years and never replaced them with anything.
  7. I went to GWL and saw Flight Deck I saw nothing of the sort. It lookes really quit back there. Well, there is quite a bit of off-season to go yet. It could be painted some time in March or April.
  8. Thank God, Ryan! I was getting tired of hearing Confirmed: My unlce's brother's niece's 3rd cousin says there will be a ____ft. coaster added to KI. It was getting old. ^The rumor section will stay open. Just admit you're starting or spreading a rumor and not saying it's confirmed. Don't know if it is, but KIC should be the #1 Unofficial Guide to Kings Island.
  9. That would be a better choice for a name. Afterburner...oh wait...I think I played that game on the Sega Genesis. Great game!
  10. I wonder...IF they are found guilty of taunting Tatiana, will charges be brought against any of the victims?
  11. Which brings me back to my point. Had they held on to some of the key people from the Paramount era, they could have avoided the screwy pricing on last year's season passes. I've never seen so much confusion over SP's.
  12. We just saw this on the news about an hour ago here at the airport. Most of the guys I work with over in operations are firefighters, so naturally, they are really interested in what's going on.
  13. I don't like the whole idea of them pretty much planning your day. I personally like not really having a plan in mind. The only plan I really go by at KI is to go to the back of the park first and start with The Beast. Most people go right for Action Zone.
  14. A GREAT quote, (pun intended) "We've been aggressively working on our image as a family-friendly park," Kane said, describing how they enforce a code of conduct, which includes "No Smoking," "No Line Cutting," and "No Profanity." In other words, doing what they should have been doing from the beginning.
  15. Never been there, but it may be a good addition for them as I don't think their operating season is very long. Official Story
  16. I'm just saying that other coaster sites I go to, footers is an acceptable term. Why it has to be a huge issue here is WAY beyone me.
  17. Referring to what? They let a whole lot of qualified people go...many say some who could have helped them transition better.
  18. Footers, footings, who really cares (other than engineering students) as long as everyone knows what is being talked about?
  19. "Nobody was in any danger. It's most unfortunate that it occurred obviously and we're very sorry that it's interrupted people's enjoyment of the park.'' How can they say that if they thought an anti-roll back device may have failed? That could have easily sent a train backwards into another depending on where that anti-roll back was located. Or, even possibly into the station.
  20. I would say it is advertisement could be for both ride and movie. People may ride F/O, see the poster and think, maybe they'll rent it some time. It did have two huge actors in it after all.
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