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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. Interpreter, what is wrong with this phrase? The Son of Beast takes riders down a 214-foot hill at more than 78 mph and includes a 118-foot tall loop, a rarity for a wooden roller coaster. I'm not sure what you are getting at.
  2. ^I am a little upset over the accident myself. I have not been to Kings Island this year and I won't be able to ride Son of Beast when I do go. I know, there are lots of other things to do, but, I hate not being able to ride SOB and see(or feel) the improvements that were made over the off-season.
  3. It's funny. Now that Cedar Fair has bought Kings Island, no one really seems to care what they are getting for next year. More people are worried about what changes CF will make than what will be the new attraction for next year.
  4. HA! Good stuff, Interpreter! Not to mention the ONLY giga coaster in the USA.
  5. New update. Now, there is a new on-ride video of this coaster in action. You can find it here...eejanaika video The first two you can click on is a commercial. The third is the on-ride video. Some of it is cool, but, I think a lot of it is confusing. Maybe it is where the camera was located?
  6. I don't think I've seen many people speculating what will be installed for 2007. I'm not sure that there are any threads either. Whatever it is, Cedar Fair has said that they will honor the installation decision that Paramount had chosen for 2007. After that, all bets are off. I hope they get a new flat.
  7. I don't know about any tips, but, Drop Zone is the only ride that scares me at KI. I've managed to ride it a few times and I get terrified every single time. The ride doesn't bother me until we pass the bungee tower on the way up. Then I know you're really starting to get up there.
  8. Sounds like you had a good time in spite of the blistering heat. Don't worry about calling that coaster The Beastie instead of Fairly Odd Coaster. I still refer to it as the Scooby Doo. Wonder what they did with the theming from The Beastie cars? I think they should sell it on ebay.
  9. Racer06, I didn't know that about the sign. So, you're saying that it could be changed to say just King's Island and not replacing the whole sign? That would be cool.
  10. They're not going to cancel Fearfest based on whether or not Cedar Point has Halloweekends. CP and KI do not really compete for the same market, therefore, people will go to both. The real consideration will be if Cedar Fair believes that Fearfest is profitable enough for them to keep it going. AamieAndShawn, please, no cursing on the message boards. This is a family site.
  11. ^If crowds are not that good, then there's no need to stay open later when there's no one in the park. It's probably got more to do with them trying to cut back operations a little to save some money since they aren't exactly raking in the money hand over fist. I know an employee there and they pretty much run on a shoe string budget.
  12. Yes, please post a trip report and let everyone know how you enjoyed your trip.
  13. KIBeast

    Son of Beast

    Guess we can tell those investigators from the Department of Agriculture to pack up then. Thanks for filling everyone in on the facts of the matter. I'm pretty sure that it has already been verified that the accident was not preventable. It's not breaking news. Are you here to pick fights or what? You tried acting smug and know it all in the employee question thread as well. What gives?
  14. ^We're not worthy! We're not worthy! Okay, wooferbear, we get the idea. You are the smartest person ever to go to KI. (still looking for the roll eyes smilie)
  15. Cedar Fair has announced NO decision as to either the Paramount's in the names of the parks or the ride theming (or Nick either, for that matter). Until they make a decision and announce it, there is only speculation. I agree it is unlikely they will keep the Paramount's Name Of Park nomenclature, but they really haven't announced whether they are doing away with it or not. They have parks to run and a season in progress to worry about right now. . . But, I think that they will drop Paramount from the name and not re-name the rides, since I have heard that the licenses are already paid for. IF they are, I would keep 'em. If not, no sense in paying for the licenses when you could spend that money re-naming.
  16. That's hilarious, Railrider! "I heard Vortex would be removed and replaced with the now disassembled Drachen Fire down at BGW. Can't wait till we can all ride Drachen Fire next year and then go ride SOB for something a little smoother." Funny, but I'm almost 100% sure you heard wrong about Drachen Fire. Been dismantled and was a painful and unpopular ride.
  17. Yeah, smurf, that was about a year or two ago. Klockster, it had something to do with the restraint was down, my brother's ex-wife was trying to get in the train, and my brother was waiting and got pinned by the gate. He yelled for help to no avail. Can't really remember how it ended, other than he went to Guest Relations to complain.
  18. Wouldn't PKIC be the best unofficial fan site? Like Pointbuzz is for Cedar Point.
  19. I think some people on here are full of it. Cedar Point cares just as much about safety as they do capacity. Otherwise, their accident record would be enormous and out of control. I've seen just as many ride ops and crew at KI failing to properly check restraints and even have things go unnoticed. Just because you saw something like this happen on your one and only yearly visit, doesn't mean this is how it works all of the time. I don't even want to get in to the story where my brother was crushed by an auto gate at Vortex and no one noticing or doing anything about it.
  20. I think it should go back to King's Island. I also think that most of the GP already refer to it as King's Island and not Paramount's King's Island. However, CF may be taking in to consideration that it would be costly to replace the brand new Paramount sign in the parking lot. Maybe they are thinking that they could get another season or two out of the sign before they plunk down a huge chunk of change for a new one. Of course, there is the possibility that I am talking out of my butt too!
  21. I agree with Tggr, why does a coaster have to be removed for a new one to be installed? I would love to see another one in Coney Mall. There's room over by FOF and SOB. They could put it where the helicopter tours used to be.
  22. ^Except the guarantee would have expired years ago since it was built back in 2000. That's like saying you get a new car guarantee on a used car. But, a funny thought none the less.
  23. It's only a minor spelling error. Why bring it up? Not to mention that we were talking about a stand-up coaster, not a shuttle looper or whatever.
  24. I think some people on here are way overestimating the affect of dirty coaster cars in relation to someone buying an actual car. Give me a break. Where's that rolleyes smilie?
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