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Everything posted by TheDippinDotsGuy

  1. It has been CF policy for many years not to take pictures while riding. And if you ask anyone they will always say safety is the reason. But, I feel confident in my opinion that safety is not the only reason, and may not even be the primary motive for the rule. I don't think they should give any reasons when people ask about it. It's enough to say, "It's our ride and we said no." Saying it's for safety suggests the rule is somehow negotiable, but it's not. For example, if someone wants to take pictures while riding, there's no way they would be allowed to ride after securing the camera for picture taking in any way. That is to say, there's *no*amount* of velcro, straps, twine, special clothing, helmet--anything--that will suddenly make it ok for a person to ride and take video or pictures. There is no approved technique that suddenly makes it safe. Even if it would take 3 NFL players to remove the camera by force, you still can't take a picture while riding. I take this to mean there are other reasons, and I can only speculate what they might be. Perhaps they feel the images are a copyrighted experience of sorts, or maybe if the ride malfunctioned a person would be able to use evidence against the park, etc. Maybe they want some kind of control over how those images might be published, how it would represent the park...who really knows? But it can't just be safety by itself.
  2. I waited 6.5 hours for The Outer Limits: Flight of Fear. It was during the preview held for season pass holders on June 17, 1996. They said the line was slow because it was only running one train. The line stretched almost to the restrooms back by Vortex.
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