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    Kennesaw, GA
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    Roller Coasters, theme parks, skydiving

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  1. We really liked Mystic Timbers. It offers a nice dark ride experience as well as a day time ride as well. The first drop is fun, and the change of direction should bring thrills to so many people - people of all ages. Most of us are big coaster enthusiasts, but this ride also provides a great experience to children looking to move up from the kiddie coasters in Planet Snoopy! The partnership between GCI, IOE, Holovis, and Kings Island certainly created a winner here! I hope you do not mind us sharing here, but we offered a slightly longer breakdown in an article on our site as well. http://coasteraddict.com/mystic-timbers-a-real-winner-for-all-ages/
  2. Assuming that KI gets the giga, I am curious which park will be lined up for the big addition in 2018, Kings Dominion might need some love, but some people say that Canada's Wonderland should / will remove their Vekoma SLC in favor of a Banshee-like invert by B&M. It is a little surprising that B&M has not built any other inverts since then, especially with the vest restraints. Heck, no retrofit projects / new train projects have come up. Those vests really added the icing on the cake, and that is one reason why I put Banshee #1 among inverts... Agree? http://coasteraddict.com/5-reasons-Banshee-still-reigns-supreme/
  3. We might have a winner here. At least about the power lines. Still not sold on a flat, but the power line idea seems to be spot on. To demonstrate: It lines up with rumored locations of some of the markers and would explain a narrow path through the woods. Good catch. The past does not always repeat but since 2004 the Major Attraction has been a B&M every time. I guess Maverick was not a major attraction for Cedar Point Well, Maverick was a major attraction, but we also know that Intamin and Cedar Fair are not working together on major projects like they once did. Personally, I like Intamin coasters just as I do B&M coasters, but I doubt we will see major Intamin additions in the years to come. I still point to a giga (who knows what the specs would be like), but any park improvement would work.... KI is great as it is right now, but improvements are always welcomed. I do remain hopeful that other attractions will not be removed or significantly altered (meaning how some of the quiet rides will now be surrounded by a lot of noise) to make this happen, but time will tell!
  4. As of right now, anything could go there. Now, if more movement does not happen until the fall, we might not be able to say that, but I'd expect a lot more movement and activity to take place in that area within the next month or two if it is going to be a roller coaster!
  5. They're still a roller coaster though. A coaster reaching 350+ feet Ultimately, everybody has their own opinions about roller coasters and what to call each and what category to put each in. There are some gray areas (take the whole RMC coasters out there... some consider those wooden while others do not). Still, the industry typically considers gigas to have to meet a few criteria: (1) lift hill of 300-399ft in height, (2) full circuit course, and some will even contend that the drop needs to be 300+. For strata coasters, there are similar types of consensus within the industry but that these are 400+ ft in height. Some might argue that a roller coaster with a 250ft hill but that has a 300+ ft drop would qualify. Others might contend that a coaster that is 300ft tall buy with a sub-300ft drop would not qualify, but, luckily (or unluckily), there are not many above 300ft in height... The Superman ride at SFMM and Tower of Terror coasters typically are classified purely as shuttle coasters [not full circuit], and therefore don't get categorized as gigas. Here is what is noted on Wikipedia (for what it's worth: "A strata coaster is a type of roller coaster with a height or drop that is 400 feet (120 m) or more and completes a full circuit. Only two strata coasters have been built, both of which utilize Intamin's hydraulically launched accelerator coaster design. The first was Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point, which opened in 2003 at a height of 420 feet (130 m). The second was Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure, which opened in 2005 at a height of 456 feet (139 m) – also making it the tallest roller coaster in the world. Superman: Escape From Krypton at Six Flags Magic Mountain was the first to break the 400-foot (120 m) barrier, but since it is a shuttle roller coaster that does not complete a full circuit and its drop is only 328 feet (100 m), some do not classify it as a strata roller coaster." see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roller_coaster#By_height ----- What will be interesting is how people classify the new roller coaster being built at Ferrari Land [Port Aventura] in Spain. That ride is full circuit and was designed by Intamin using the same type of launch system as Top Thrill Dragster [CP], Kingda Ka [six Flags Great Adventure], and Xcelerator [Knott's]. That park elected to make this launched roller coaster short of 400ft, Instead, it will be short of 370ft but offer a similar track layout as the other Intamin strata coasters. Many purist consider hypers and gigas to only be classified as such if they use a traditional lift hill of sorts in lieu of a launch system. If classified as a giga, this will be the first to include a launch. With that being said, if the Kings Island 2017 plans are to include a giga that is taller than Carowinds' Fury 325, don't you think they will want it to be taller than the new one built for Ferrari Land? Let's say the plan is for it to be a giga, how tall do you think Cedar Fair will want it to be? Initially (before remembering about this Ferrari Land coaster), I thought it would be 350ft tall, but now I'm leaning towards 375ft. If that is the case, this would also allow B&M to get closer to building its first strata... Well, that's enough of a rant for now. What are your thoughts? Heck, Kings Island should just make it 399.99 feet tall and be done with it... it would be hard for anybody to then take away the title of World's Tallest Giga, right?
  6. In that case, it is surely most likely that KI is preparing to build the largest, fastest, and tallest S&S Screamin Swing, right? 500ft tall with capacity of 100 riders per cycle! Now that I think of it, that would be kind of fun!
  7. Curious how crowded it will be at KI on Mother's Day!

  8. Without looking at the area of land available or design options, I still lean more towards a giga. With that said, wouldn't it be interesting to see a launched B&M strata? If you had to pick, which would it be? Strata or giga? Sorry if this post takes discussion on a tangent!
  9. It is hard to rule out almost anything, but I'll take a stab at some options that are likely off the table for now... - new record-breaking TOGO standup - RMC (unless that is at CW) - Intamin anything (and that hurts, especially since I like Intamin coasters) - Vekoma flyer - World record-breaking dive coaster - an S&S Arrow X2-like coaster The odds for those rides are likely not in works, but who knows!
  10. Some have thought that Canada's Wonderland will remove their Vekoma SLC later this year to make room for a B&M Invert. That would be interesting to see and compare to Banshee. I am trying to think if there is a B&M invert after Banshee that has the same restraint system. Certainly, KD is due for something, but they have the revamp of Hurler being done by GCI. With Knott's getting their woodie revamped by GCI this season, it makes me wonder if they will get a completely new roller coaster next year or possibly have to wait a year or two more. Maybe, Canada's Wonderland will get some new B&M launched product as a trial of sorts before CP gets their major 2020 ride! Isn't CW where they do most of their ride concept testing? Back to the others, I'd love to see a hyper at KD in 2017 along with a giga at KI, but that would probably bump up the capital expenditures for next year higher than they might want though. Then again, they've had a number of record years in a row, so anything could happen!
  11. Is it possible that they are taking notes from Six Flags Great Adventure? Maybe, they are just making room for their competing solar farm!
  12. We rode Banshee on Media Day and Opening Day. We noticed the cool noise of the ride during the zero-g roll near the end of the ride. This sound was apparent during the early morning hours on that media day event and even in the afternoon once it warmed up, so we have concluded that weather conditions were not the issue here. However, we swung by for a ride following Coaster Campout last Sunday, and we did not hear that distinctly cool noise. Also, we seem to recall Gatekeeper having a similar noise during the zero-g roll, and it is not there anymore. Are we losing our minds? Are we missing something?
  13. So, is 305 better than MF? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  14. Well, I got the M part correct, huh? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  15. Would that be MF, the Interpreter? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
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