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Everything posted by KatieF

  1. I am a new gold pass member, and I used it for the first time for opening night of Haunt. I had went to Haunt in 2019 only to ride rides, and was absolutely miserable. We had been there on a Saturday before Halloween, and we had been there for 9 hours and only rode 3 rides. It was packed and there was several fist fights. I was hesitant returning to Haunt, but I was so PLEASANTLY surprised. I had NEVER ever been in a haunted house before, so I did two for the first time last night! I did Hotel St Michelle, which I really liked! I was a little worried about feeling claustrophobic, but I felt like there was plenty of room to get through and enjoy. I liked that the scareactors scared you there, but they weren't really up in my face as bad as other spots. I also enjoyed it being back in the old Days of Thunder building, I think. I had never been back there before, so that was fun. I felt the same way when we went through Madame Fatale's. I got a little more panickey during the line of Madame Fatales, but I think I was really hot and overwhelmed. It was a fun house though! There is a heavy strobe effect in it, so if that effects you, just be aware! We got to walk on Diamondback and Mystic Timbers, and we also got a ride in on Adventure Express. That ride is FUN in the dark! Also I got my FIRST NIGHT RIDE EVER on The Beast!!! HOLY CRAP!! Also we stayed for the closing scaremonies and I highly recommend catching that before you leave. It is epic! This was my first day using my gold pass and it's perks, and I am really thankful for it. It was a fun night!
  2. My husband and I got in an argument at Kings Island yesterday about the water feature at The Beast. I said it's never been there in our lifetime (mid 90s). I've told him you experts say it was late 80's when the water feature was removed, even if it's not true. I have to be right.
  3. Okay, but I'm glad it's not just me who thinks Raven and Legend are rough. I thought I was just being sensitive or getting old! The only way I could describe my feelings to my bestie was "The Beast is rough at the end, but the angle of the car and how the track is laid out doesn't make you feel like you might slip a disc." The Voyage is breathtaking to ride, and I hope to do it again soon. But man, I had went into it not watching a POV really clearly-- so I kind of had no idea.
  4. I know this is 22 years old, but I love it for that reason.
  5. I know this isn't fully related... But I've thought it was interesting that Kings Island still uses a clip of The Vortex is one of their advertisements. I constantly get a commercial on Youtube that starts with "sometimes it's good to talk to animals" (or something similar to that) and it shows The Vortex. I thought that was odd, and probably no one notices it except me.
  6. My bestie, Sabrina, and I ventured to Santa Claus for my first trip to Holiday World! Our whole goal of this trip was to ride "Good Gravy" because the advertisements for the coaster made us laugh so much. She knew I was a coaster junkie before, so we had an agreement she could ride anything in the park except Thunderbird. We arrived at around 11 that Saturday (I know, Saturday's in July are gonna be hideous) but parking was kind of insane. There wasn't much direction from the park, and the line of cars backed up onto the highway. We made it in though, and I was starting to get the "it's too crowded" jitters. We decided to book it to "Good Gravy" first, and the crowds did get better the farther back in the park we got. The line was surprisingly long for Good Gravy, and we waited there for probably 20 minutes until we finally reached the door of Grandma's house where we were met with an employee handing us cards with return times on them. Honestly, I thought this was a little confusing as there was no indication this was going to happen nor was there much line control out in the back of the line. I think I've been spoiled to Disney where there is the "the line starts here" guys. Whatever, we had some time to kill-- so I booked it back to Thunderbird while Sabrina went to get a bite to eat. I was/am always super duper worried I will be too fluffy to fit in a coaster car. My last theme park visit before this was Kentucky Kingdom, and I had a close call with almost having to take the walk of shame. I had read that Holiday World was not the most plus sized friendly park, so I was nervous. I am about 230 lbs, and most of my weight is held in my belly and in my chest. I tried the test seat out front, and I could get everything closed but I couldn't quite get it to buckle, but I thought I'd give the actual car a shot because I would have help from attendant. The line was long that day, but it went quickly-- and the park said if you were bigger to aim for rows 2 or 3. I got in row 3 and had zero issues getting buckled up! I was so relieved! Thunderbird was outstanding! It was a smooth coaster, fun, thrilling, and I gotta say-- there's one little corkscrew right before the brake run that took my breath away! HIGHLY recommend it. Finally it was time for our ride on Good Gravy. The crowd cards they gave out... uhhh... I'm not sure how well it worked. The line was still pretty long for the ride, but luckily the queue line is very cool to look at and is very well themed. Obviously this ride only has one train on the track, and is a fairly small capacity so it is a slow wait. But it's very cute and the decorations and theming is very impressive! It's a fun, little ride which after riding everything else in the park-- they desperately needed it. We rode Gobbler Getaway, which is a fun little break. It made me miss Boo Blasters, oddly enough. Then we headed to the looooong line for The Voyage. Let me just say-- I thought this would be a nice little classic woodie. I was like "oh this is fun! This can't be more intense than The Beast." Holy freaking cannoli. It is. I don't know if I'm just getting old, but once this baby starts going-- it doesn't stop and it feels like it's never going to end. I'm pretty sure I got a back adjustment that day. When we finally reached the station again, Sabrina had blacked out once and I was shakey. It takes a lot to get me that torn up, and we had to sit down for a bit after that ride. I would 10000% ride it again, but I had zero idea it was going to throw me around that way. Would love to get a night ride on it. Honestly, once we rode the Legend and the Raven-- they looked tame (and ROUGH in my opinion) after the Voyage. I actually felt they needed to be retracked in some spots that really jostled me. They didn't stick with me that much, as I had just had my world changed by the Voyage. We rode a few smaller little things. I did highly enjoy their little log flume. I'd love to see another water ride get brought into the park because it really refreshed me. We didn't do anything in the water parks. Either way, it was a fun day at Holiday World and I realized how old I am now (a whole 30) because I think it genuinely affected my inner ear after for a few days. The food was good, and I loved the merchandise they sold in the main gift shop. The stuff they had for Good Gravy was GENIUS. It's worth a trip. I felt their photo pass was well priced too. I was able to get it for $25-$30 bucks and it was easy to use, and I was able to attach Sabrina's phone number to it too so we didn't have to have two passes.
  7. I feel very conflicted about these surveys. On one hand, the idea of an extended Beast really makes me excited but also a little worried because I think it's perfect the way it is. Personally, I don't think that that area of the park needs another wooden roller coaster. Maybe I'm a little basic in my dreaming-- but I'd love to see an RMC in the park. On the other hand, Boo Blasters needs to be rethemed desperately but I am a diehard for Phantom Theatre. I understand that Peanuts would fit the theming of Camp Snoopy but it seems so boring. Either way, this survey has brought me back to the forums after a few years because I HAD to know your thoughts!
  8. I thought that Haunt was only on Fridays and Saturdays this year-- correct? Line jumping was frustrating but the fist fights just made me mad. Maybe I've been around coaster enthusiasts too long but I have a genuine love the park and the rides--so to see someone just act so foolish there made me angry.
  9. My husband and I are longtime Kings Island fans, but this was our first year at Haunt. We went on Saturday, October 9th, and were so completely underwhelmed at the event. Here are the perks: -The decorations I was able to see this year were cool. They were so visually appealing! -Every staff member I encountered was wonderfully kind and helpful. -I only truly got one night ride and it was on Banshee. This was my first time riding and it was AMAZING and shocking and thrilling. Here's what I experienced: -I was not prepared for how horrifically crowded it was. We were there from about 4pm until around 11. We had intentions of staying till 12 but we could not deal with it anymore. In the time we were only able to ride 3 rides, The Beast, Banshee, and Flight of Fear. Because we were in line for around 2 hours at a time-- I missed almost all of the scare zones, scare actors, and night time events. -Because this was supposed to be my birthday celebration weekend, I decided to splurge with preferred parking and the Funpix purchase. Truthfully, it was so crowded entering the parking lot that I couldn't easily spot where I needed to go for my preferred parking. Not a big deal as long as I got a parking place to me. I was much more frustrated with trying to figure out how to redeem my Funpix purchase. To my understanding from the website, I printed out my Funpix redeem receipt and took it to the Funpix booth at the front of the park. I read online that the Funpix booth was supposed to give me a card to scan at the different rides. Well, the young man didn't know what that was talking about. They told me I needed the Kings Island app. So, I got the Kings Island app and tried my best to figure out where I needed to redeem it on there-- the kid at the booth tried to help, but eventually just said "you need to go to customer service." So I went to the customer service at the front of the park-- they sent me back to the Funpix booth. I was very frustrated and confused, and wasted 40 minutes trying to figure this out. Surely I am not the first person to be confused with this process. Maybe I am really that stupid, lol. -Not to sound like an old fogey, but not only was it crowded-- but it was crowded with a lot of teens and young adults who were pretty wild and made the experience pretty miserable. We dealt with some line jumping, and that was frustrating but no whoop. But in the time I was there I saw two fist fights. The first one happened in line at Flight of Fear, and it was mainly alot of yelling and security jumped on it pretty quickly. The second was at the end of Banshee. That one was pretty gross. One of the kids puked and they kept fighting in the puke. Yuck. This was kind of the final straw that made me leave the park. -Everyone and their grandma gets the line skips at Kings Island apparently, and this process really felt like it slowed down the normal line. Maybe I'm just jealous that I didn't buy one! Overall, I felt the park was too crowded for me to enjoy it. I didn't so much care to go in the haunted houses, but I was looking very forward to night rides on my favorite coasters. If I was queen of everything, there were two solutions that came to me-- I wish the park could do a 21+ only night, or set up the "Anyone 16 and younger must have an adult" with them rule like Kentucky Kingdom. My other idea is to just do a blackout night at Kings Island during the summer. Like a special ticketed event with no lights. I just want to go ride roller coasters with people who love roller coasters! LOL
  10. I haven't done many of the flat rides because I get kind of icky on spinning things. I also haven't done Banshee, Diamondback, and Flight of Fear.
  11. I'm late to The Vortex game-- It was my first upside down roller coaster I ever rode when I was like 12. I disliked it so much that I avoided going upside down again because I was so afraid to feel that dizzying sensation again. I didn't ride an upside down coaster again until I was 25. So no, I'm not a fan of Vortex. And I'm not an expert on Kings Island nor coasters-- but the last few years I've visited (I go about once a year), Vortex was often down for hours, broken down at the top of the lift hill, or when it was running-- it sounded terrible. As a pretty much tourist in the park, I have to say that impressions of Vortex weren't great over the past few years. I am going to miss seeing it in the park though. It was beautiful.
  12. Mine was The Beastie in the late 90's. I was maybe.. 4 or 5?
  13. I am actually a sucker for family coasters like AE. Plus, it's one of the few rides in the park that has the potential of being "Disney"-ish to me. I would really love to see it get some TLC to really make this ride more special. Better lighting, maybe props or fog?, etc. It has gotten WAY rougher the past few times I've ridden it. It hurts my back way more than The Beast.
  14. Anyways, while I know the 20:11 is now the years those respective rides have been running-- I still think my idea of it being something from 2011 isn't totally invalid. My first thought was maybe they'd get rid of WindSeeker for space or something, or if the new ride would be something that's in other CF parks like Dinosaurs Alive and WindSeeker were. I am a little thrown at Invertigo for some reason. That coaster doesn't get much hype anymore, so I'm glad to see it getting mentioned.
  15. Oh, I apologize guys. I guess I missed that in the thread.
  16. I wonder if 20:11 has something to do with this... WindSeeker and Dinosaurs Alive were added that year.
  17. I am looking very forward to seeing the fountains in person, especially with the new fountain show! I always felt the pedestals were a little dated looking, and they didn't make it feel grand. I'm sure Kings Island is hoping to transform the fountain into something you'd see at Walt Disney World. Maybe I'm wrong!
  18. I just saw on Instagram. Kentucky Kingdom just posted "Something is in the wind..." as an announcement for something new coming to their park. I just thought that was an interesting coincidence.
  19. Eh, I think planning a fake funeral would be kind of morbid if it was a person. I mean, possibly? And what about the air is still and it being big?
  20. Here's my thoughts-- It's one of our own... -- I don't think it's a ride you can find at other Cedar Fair parks like WindSeeker or Stunt Coaster. And I don't know about you, but Firehawk has never felt like a "Kings Island" coaster, if you know what I mean. It's always felt foreign to the park. It's big-- I think it's something that's gonna upset some people. I've heard theories of Invertigo, the old Tomb Raider building, and Firehawk. While these interesting speculations, I think a large chunk of Kings Island attendance would not miss any of these rumors. And then the air being still...well, everyone else has explained that. My theory is Vortex. I'm sticking with it.
  21. I've got a sneaking suspicion that it's the cars, and I'm with @Waltny. I've never been a speedway fan in any theme park. Love the thought of maybe a new flat ride, or a ride for families or chickens like me-- but I've always thought the little cars were boring. Of course, I'd love to see the RMC Son of Beast-- but I would honestly be happy with Racer getting some love. The backwards Racer returning would be AMAZING.
  22. You know I thought it was odd that the park didn't make any announcements over the speakers regarding the Globetrotters. They didn't even make the announcement to remind people to only smoke in designated areas!
  23. My sister and I ventured off to Kings Island for the first time together in 12-14 years this past Saturday. Weather was pretty gray and cool, which is nice weather for a theme-park I think! This is the first time this has ever happened to me at the gate-- but I had purchased our tickets for her birthday on December 27th from my local Kroger. I've done this before with no issues, and this time we were denied entry to the park because my tickets were from last season. The lady kindly explained that the tickets were purchased last year, and I would have to buy new ones at the gate if I wanted to go have the best day ever. Well, luckily we had the spare money to do that this time-- but I was pretty disappointed. I think the tickets should have been taken down from Kroger once the park was technically closed for the year. Winterfest wasn't included on the normal single day pass to the parks! So buyers beware-- don't buy a ticket off season at Kroger in hopes of using it once the new season begins! On a positive note, we tried VIP parking for the first time on this trip and I honestly don't think I can go back. That was so worth the extra 10 dollars. Anyways, we made it into the park and I always make a beeline through Planet Snoopy. I had told my sister I always had to ride Boo Blasters just to see if any work was done on the ride since last season and truthfully I was pretty impressed with this run! First, are there new blue lights in the queue line (around the boarded up Phantom Theater busts) or did I just dream it? Some of the targets weren't working-- but during our ride, all of the effects and animatronics were working! I swear I thought I heard some new sound effects too that I didn't remember from before! Honestly, the ride looked the best it has in years! Doesn't mean it doesn't need an overhaul, but overall it was nice! We also took a quick ride on Surf Dog just because I am a big chicken and needed to get warmed up. We were pretty surprised and disappointed to see that MANY rides were down for hours at a time in the park. We were able to squeeze in a ride on almost everything we wanted, but we had to backtrack some throughout the day to do it. Mystic Timbers is just as good this season as it was last! I also think there was some new effects in the shed (red eyeballs and more sound effects?) but maybe I was in such a daze last season that I didn't remember it. Adventure Express was HORRIBLE this trip. It was the roughest ride that day, even compared to The Beast! The Beast was phenomenal as always, and we got a great view of people getting evacuated from the very top of the lift hill on Vortex. Vortex is sounding rougher every year, and it didn't have a long wait at all on Saturday. My sister (who is a huge fan of Vortex and has ridden it religiously over the years) even commented at how bad it was squeaking and roaring. I think the most proud part of my day was me manning up and riding Delirium for the first time. OMG! What a great ride! I'm sure I've talked about it on here some, but I have horrible anxiety disorder and have not ridden several rides in the park because I am so afraid that I will feel afraid on the ride! Over the past few years, I have tried to ride one new ride a season so it's not sensory overload and so far it's been working very well! Delirium was this year's pick, because I figured I love the Pirate's Ship and Surf Dog-- and Delirium is kind of the grown up version of those rides! If anyone who is kind of nervous and hasn't ridden yet reads this-- take it from me-- the seats are completely secure feeling! I got some airtime at the highest point of the ride, but overall I did not shift much in my seat! I had to keep my eyes closed for a portion of it, and if I was recommending the ride to someone (which I am)-- I would say to either keep your eyes closed until you've slowed down or keep them open! I made the mistake of opening my eyes once and I happened to be at the highest point of the ride. I got a little spooked and disoriented and immediately closed my eyes again! If you're riding it for the first time, I also didn't feel any effects from the ride spinning-- so don't be intimidated by that! Anyways, overall it was a wonderful day in the parks despite a few hiccups! I was afraid of crowds with the Harlem Globetrotters being in the park, but that really didn't affect the lines too much. There was also the choir/band day at the park for many middle school and high school age children, and I was impressed with their behavior! I never witnessed any line skipping! I only had one experience where I had to speak up to some young teenage boys for making very loud and obscene jokes behind us in line for The Bat. They were just plain annoying at first, but when they began to make racial comments about African Americans, I had to get a little snotty. They had some classmates directly in front of me in line too that kept turning around to laugh at their obnoxious friends-- and I very sternly suggested that we switched places in line so they could ride with their friends. Suddenly nobody wanted to joke and play in line anymore and I was able to get on the ride without losing my mind! Haha! (Apparently 24 is the age where you become impatient with teenagers!)
  24. Cool beans! I will be avoiding that area in an attempt to avoid crowds!
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