I searched for this and found nothing so here it goes...
I was catching up on a few blog posts that I have missed tonight when I came across something weird. On the left side of the blog page the calandar has a post on the 11th of August, but in the bubble that says "Recent Entries" it is not listed. It is titled "New Haunt Blog Entry." At the bottom of that page it says there were no previous entries and no posts that were made after it. Of course there are previous entries, because it isn't the first post on the blog. There is also a new post made after this one. IDK I just found it strange. This is what it says:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque purus neque, cursus ac ullamcorper ut, cursus eu ante. Praesent mollis leo vitae lorem rhoncus ac condimentum tellus venenatis. Duis non hendrerit lorem. Mauris dignissim ligula ligula. Nunc fringilla leo eget purus lobortis mollis. Praesent at dapibus massa. In fermentum, sapien eu fringilla faucibus, orci lectus tincidunt augue, sit amet pretium tellus nisi id nulla. Integer sollicitudin rhoncus tellus sed adipiscing. Proin ac elit quis massa tristique gravida. Nullam ornare pellentesque ultricies.
Sed mauris massa, laoreet sed tincidunt sit amet, blandit nec libero. Praesent fringilla auctor sem, id rutrum orci sagittis at. Maecenas ligula lectus, vulputate varius eleifend sed, scelerisque et quam. Nullam fermentum interdum fringilla. Phasellus vitae aliquet nibh. Mauris consequat magna orci. Sed vel libero neque, eu convallis leo. Sed dapibus placerat enim, sit amet tempus lectus rhoncus ac. Vivamus aliquam massa at turpis volutpat id gravida enim vulputate. Curabitur vitae libero ut lorem euismod gravida non quis augue. Mauris quis porta odio. Morbi et sapien est. Donec nec odio elit. Aliquam placerat risus in lacus faucibus eget gravida purus commodo. Nam augue arcu, ultricies vel aliquet eu, faucibus vel risus. Proin consectetur convallis leo sed ornare. Integer quam lacus, vulputate eu sagittis ut, elementum nec purus. Nullam lacinia, nulla sed varius tincidunt, lorem tortor condimentum tellus, at commodo augue mi eu neque.
- The Caretaker"
I translated it on Google and it didn't really come up with a answer. It had something about Ipod Classic and Twitter, but thats all I got out of it.
Anyone know what this is?