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  1. Ok. Im going to start off this Topic by Saying, I Love Kings Island. Its been my Home Park and a Summer destination for as long as I can remember. No matter how many Dumb decisions I see them Making, their still going to be my park. Im creating this Thread for this reason. I just recently returned from a week long trip to Walt DisneyWorld in Orlando with my Family. Had a Simply Wonderful time. I walked around the Various parks taking in the sights and I found myself saying many more times than I can count, "Why Can't Kings Island do this?" Generally Every Ride at Disney is an experience. From Test Track, To Soarin, To Space Mountain, To Expedition Everest and the list goes on and on. Generally every ride has its own story and Theme. Complete with Cast Members wearing Corrosponding Outfits to fit the Theme of the Ride. We got a glimpse at How good Kings Island could be with themeing when Paramount owned it. Top Gun Operators wore flight suits, Etc. And Dont even get me started on the Fast pass system at Disney as opposed to the Joke of a one we have here at Kings Island. I guess my point is this, How hard would it be for Kings Island to Envolve themeing into its rides? It would make the experience so much more enjoyable for the Public and Make each ride an Experience and not just a Weee, Okay lets get off.. Kind of thing. I know Im basically comparing apples to oranges here. Kings Island will never be the Vacation destination that a Disney Destination would be, But they could be so so much better!
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