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Halloween Haunt


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On the 28th I will be going down to HH with a couple of friends for my 16th B-Day. I'm taking 5 people with me, and it's going to be a blast.

My only question is:

How intense is it? Not even really the haunts, but the park atmosphere(like scareactors). It doesn't really bother me at all(I actually think it is kind of funny), but I am worried about some friends that might get mad and stomp out of the park if they are getting scared every few steps.

Thanks guys, and hope I am not to much of a pain with this question! I just don't want some people getting POed, and me pretty much wasting $20 on their HH tickets, due to them getting to scared and choosing to exit the park.

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Saturday crowds = OUCH

Intensity? Depends. Seems there are mixed reviews for each attraction. But as far as my views:

From most intense to least intense

Massacre Manor - it made me jump alot. I give them big props.

Carn-EVIL - nothing to get too nervous about. half of it was a fun house.

Death Row - it can get you nervous, but it's just strobe lights and fog

Trail of Terror - some moments are creepy.....and the rest is a 10 minute walk

Club Blood - not very scary, just a cool walk





Tombstone Terrortory. It's pathetic. Don't waste your time.

Didn't go on Red Beard yet.

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