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I will be at the park on Saturday and if i am correct doesnt the park close down for an hour and then open back up to seperate admissions for HH? If this is the case i hope that it will be back in the days when you could go in October and there wouldnt be anyone there.

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So far the Friday nights have been really nice. I tend to think it was the very hot weather than kind of kept them back. Well shall I say the extremes in temperatures as one week it was in the 90's and the other weekend we nearly froze out there!!

Saturday nights have all been packed but the 14th it was horrible - two hour waits or more.

We only managed to go to three houses Saturday night -

Club Blood because I promised some strange Vampire DJ that I would visit him! Although I seem to notice that several knew me as they went to change into their street clothes - some stared at me as if they had not had enough blood for the evening and figured I would give them more of a taste lol.

Death Row - FINALLY as I promised the manager for weeks I would go. The lines have always been so long on this ride - even on Friday nights so we would just give up and go on. Well we gave in and made sure to visit this haunt. So many in there knew my name and I know a few were following me - yea I had a great time in that one!!

Tombstone TerrorTory - now that I know Haunt Guy was out on that trail there was no way that this would be missed!! This one is always a must do for us as my daughter's husband works that trail along with Hauntguy and another very dear friend so yea we keep doing that one and it never stops scaring us!! This week there was one cowboy that told me I was his favorite!! Yeaaaaa have to keep doing that one he he. Lots of scares!!!

Friday's are just a slower day and we have a lot more fun that night!!

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