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Crowds This Sunday 10-28


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I'm pondering making a trip to KI on Sunday. I need to process my pass, and I'd like to hit up a few rides one last time. I live in Indy so It's a 2 hour trip, plus I'd be riding solo so I'm kind of hesitant. What do you think the crowds will be like? If I'll be able to walk onto most rides, then it would be worth it. Othewise I might just wait until spring for processing.

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Well, I believe Sunday is considered a Bare Bones night, so some of your favorite rides, depending on what you like, may be down for the rest of the year.

If the crowd is anything like the past two Sundays, expect to walk on rides.

Yes, Sunday is a Bare Bones night, but during the day all rides should be running. The daytime is a regular operating day.

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Barebones night - I have been hearing some conflicting stories about that from the scareactors of Haunt.

Now this is just speculation so take it for what it is worth - very little but from what I am gathering the "trails" will be closed except Tombstone TerrorTory which I am hearing is going to be open. I do know that The Cemetery will be CLOSED after Saturday night. Those that want to continue working to the end will be "repositioned" somewhere else which is a good thing. Another attraction was closed but not sure which. I think I heard someone telling me that the Trail of Terror will still be open but I do know that Cornstalkers will not be.

Your last chance to see Dead Awakening is Saturday night as that is the last night of performances. They did a fantastic job! Some of the performers have more shows lined up in their very near future so a big GOOD LUCK to them!

Some rides will be open so I would come down and enjoy yourself! Just come early and if you happen to enjoy Haunt activities I am sure you will find something worth doing!! There is so much at Haunt that even on a rainy night you can not do everything. Even with the reduced action there will still be plenty of action!!

To get exactly what is going to be available you can always call the park!

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