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10/26/07 Halloween Haunt Visit


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Tonight I went to Halloween Haunt with one of my friends. It was my third HH outing, which allowed to experience everything HH has to offer.

First we rode FoF, which was thrilling. Next we experienced Death Row, which was entertaining. After that we rode Elvira's Superstition, which mocks Magic Kingdom. It is a fun show and Elvira is very sexy.

Then we experienced The Worksite, which was fun. Then we did Cornstalkers, which seemed different than last year - and better.

After that we rode The Vortex and then experienced Trail of Terror. TOT had a long line, but was worth it. Unfortunately, I was squirted in the face with water.

We then finished the evening with Club Blood, which greatly stimulated my interest. However, it began raining heavy so we left the park around 11 p.m.

Best regards,

Italian Chef

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Wow you were there??? Glad you had a good time! Nice report hun!!!

It quit raining not long after you left and we had more fun. During the rain we just did the haunted houses to keep dry and hung out in Festaus for a little bit. Rain will not stop me from haunt.

Interesting note - did you know that last year during the last Friday of Fear Fest it rained?? Hmmm and the last Friday of Haunt it rains - wonder what next year holds...

The weather was not the best but still it was awesome to get to do everything we wanted at least once and we did Cornstalkers twice!!! We did that one twice because usually the lines are so long we do not get the chance to see it at all and we have friends on that trail.

For anyone that happened to be on the train to Tombstone TerrorTory when Scott (the host) had them all singing happy birthday to me - that was a Joke. My birthday is in March lol. Scott likes to do things like that to me each time he knows I am on it. Hauntguy is just as sneaky. Do not pay them any mind lol.

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