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Cedar Fair Dodging Minimum Wage Laws?

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I've been searching for the last hour for the actual online article, but Screamscape had just reported on Cedar Fair apparently getting into legal battle with the state over more money issues:

icon_STOP.gifPark News - (1/16/09) According to the text of an article sent to Screamscape (unfortunately without a link to the online article) it seems Cedar Fair may be facing a bit of a legal battle with the state over the minimum wage laws and what they are required to pay employees. Apparently the starting wage being offered on Cedar Point's website are only $7/hr, below the state's new $7.30/hr minimum wage. From what I've been told the park is claiming they are exempt for some reason, which just seems crazy to me since theme park employees already get the shaft when it comes to pay anyway.

I thought Cedar Fair had a little more class than that, since fighting your local minimum wage laws is just insulting to your staff. I know that would sure inspire confidence in me that the people running the rides care about their jobs and aren't dreaming about taking a better paying job flipping McBurgers or running a register at Walmart. Maybe it's just me being old school… thinking back to my first theme park job back in the '80s when working at your local theme park was seen as prestigious and parks could be picky about who they hired instead of scraping the bottom of the barrel as they do today.

Now before you jump on the handgun and say Screamscape is just making stuff up (due to the lack of a link to the actual article), PointBuzz had begun talking about this just two days earlier:

Cedar Point Forum - What are they thinking?!

Although this is, so far, only taking place at Cedar Point, with the recent issues involving the treatment of foreign workers both at the Point and here at the Island, this may be a a state-wide issue, meaning Kings Island could be a part of this as well, over minimum wage discrepancies.

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