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The new Beast entrance


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Most here are too young to know that The Beast's entrance, and exit, are vastly different from when it opened. An entire queue house was demolished when the exit ramp was re-routed, the lake drained and the on-ride photo building added. Other than the station, there were 3 seperate queue houses. Now there's just 2.

In addition, the exit led guests under the station and out onto the path that in recent years was used as the service road to Tomb Raider. Back when KCKC was still there, and prior to the re-configuration of the exit, there was a large Beast logo housed in a small building just next to the KC KC lift. It was called the "Beast Tamer Photo." Also, the original signage to The Beast told it's "legend."

Finally... there's been many rumors over the years as to why the lake was drained... "Oh it stunk", "It was a mosquito breeding ground", "They couldn't fish trash out of it" etc etc etc. When the reality is, the exit ramp was built to allow wheelchair access to the station. The water was drained to allow for construction and the lower lying path.

I wouldn't expect too much in the way of a new Beast Entrance. More along the lines of a re-directed midway.

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Here's an oldtimers remembrances about The Beast entrance. On opening day, April 14, 1979, the queues weren't completed. The crowd that was out front was funneled through two doors, where the Coke machines are now, then up the ramp. If I remember correctly, it was a one train day.

When the queues were finished the entrance was over by the current Beast photo building. It went into Upper Queue, the pad of which was still there last time I looked. Middle Queue was next, then the Coke Queue. At Coke Queue, they served soft drinks and fast food..hot dogs and the like....imagine that line slow down! Then up the ramp into the Station Queue.

The exit went out the same way it does now, but didn't switchback. It went under the Munchkin waiting area, then took a left and out near the old entrance to the nature trail. The last wraps of the Station Queue were deemed not to be used because of the guests spitting on the crews as they exited the station. (They used to have umbrellas for taking the walk).

When I started working at the ride in 94, the entrance was pretty much where it is today, except farther out towards the midway.

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