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My turn for a RWCW (P)TR


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Ok, I wanna play along, too, so I'm going to do my PTR for Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend. We'll start 1 post for Saturday 5/9, since that will be the shorter of the 2 PTRs. I had to work that day and suffer through some very bad baseball. It's my job to sit through whatever home events we have at the school I work at, so at least I was getting paid to be there. That didn't get done until 3:00. My friend Michelle met me at school then, and we were off... after a stop at Walmart in Muncie and a McDonald's in Richmond. It's just about a 2 hour drive from Muncie, without all the stops. Got to the park just after 6, so we missed the guest speakers at the theater. We rode the Red Racer, after a brief discussion about what color trains were on what side when the one side ran backwards. I believe each side had 1 blue and 1 red train. Had a great ride. Did our customary point-and-yell at Reptar.

After Red Racer, we were off to The Beast. After hitting the facilities behind BLSC, I saw a lovely tree and decided to take a picture:


Look at that strange curved branch at the top of the tree.

Wait a minute... that's no branch. I think it's...


Oh yeah! That's right. It's, ummm... errr... wait, I know this one...


I know I've seen this before. It's right on the tip of my tongue...


There it is again. I remember reading something about this...

Oh yeah...



Ok, so I borrowed that last pic from my trip 2 weeks ago. Don't judge me!

We actually went to ride The Beast. Decided to try more features of my new camera phone:


OOOOooooOOOOoooo looks so vintage!


Looks like the pic was taken way back in 1979. Ok, not really, but I liked the effect.

Middle queue section was open, but not the bottom or top ones, so the wait was about 30 minutes, give or take the time it takes to measure a kid 1/8" too short. You know, where the swinging bar thingy brushes across the hair and all the ride ops have to go take a closer look, talk about it, take a poll, ask the Magic 8 Ball, then they walk the kid back to mommy or daddy, and they say "too bad," and stick the kid in The Beastie cage while they ride making the kid cry, and he ends up in therapy for 20 years. ANYWHO... I digress...

WOW what a ride. I think Beast knew there were a bunch of enthusiasts in the park and was out to thrill us, or Beast knew there were a s***-ton of pubescent ankle biter band geeks who needed a serious attitude adjustment. Beast was on its game today. Fast and intense. When the train is screaming going around the left turn leading to the drop-in to the helix, you know you're going to get your derriere handed to you. So fast, and the retracking makes it so smooth. All the speed, almost none of the jarring.

We decided to head toward the picnic area for the birthday party. I was pleasantly surprised there was a live DJ. The free souvenir cups were nice, but what the heck were we supposed to do with them on the DB ERT? With dozens upon dozens of people carrying those cups to the ride, how are we supposed to remember which one was ours? Oh well, it was nice to use at least for the party. After some pop, chips, pretzels, and chocolate cake, one of my childhood heroes showed up:


No, not him. Not Snarf either.




Of course I had to get my pic with Scooby!


This is why we're here baby!

We tried to get 1 last ride in on The Beast before the ride shut down for the fireworks. I was nervous and paranoid I wouldn't make it and get left behind for the walk to DB, so I waited out in Beast plaza. During the fireworks, I met a nice ACE family, and we talked about coasters, mean tricks we play on new riders, and fears of heights, namely her apprehension on going up the Eiffel Tower. Note to self, don't jump on bouncy panels when she's up there.

Finally it was time to go back to DB. I went on 3 rides. I decided not to stay until 1 am because it would have been unfair to my friend since she still can't get in the ride. Working on it, but not yet. Diamondback at night is incredible, exciting, merveilleux, wunderbar, fantástico, замечательный... see it's so good it's got me speaking in tongues. My 3rd and last ride I went for the back car. Never ridden there before. Now, I've ridden Racer, Vortex, and Beast in the rear car and been slung over the first hill, but rear car on Diamondback is Nirvana! I was out of my seat the entire first drop and touched down in my seat long enough to get whipped over the 2nd hill, and the 3rd, all the way to hill #10. I think I found religion on that last ride.

It was 11:30 or so, and that was the most incredible coaster ride I have ever had, so I decided that was a good way to end the night. Plus, Michelle and I wanted to be on that 8 am Racer ERT. More on that later. Good night.

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Ok, after a long, strange week, coupled with some unfortunate events, I'm going to try to get Day 2 of my PTR done.

After leaving the park at 11:30 the night before, 6:30 came all too quickly. After some free continental breakfast at the Super 8 motel, Michelle and I headed to the park. We got there at 7:45 and had the pick of the litter in the Gold Pass parking area. As is typical in events like this, it was hurry up and wait. Wanted to make sure we didn't get left behind for The Racer ERT, but had to wait in line at the metal detectors.


A bunch of sleepy ride warriors.


The Royal Fountain greets us, even if the sun isn't so sure yet.


An hour and a half of trains like this!!! Unfortunately, my days of marathoning coasters is pretty much over. I have no idea how anyone marathoned Vortex 9 times. I'm dizzy after 1 ride. Have no idea where I'd be after 9 straight.

After 3 straight Red Racer rides, we decided to take a Racer break and head over to Flight of Fear. I really like the longer belts, at least they seemed longer. For the first time since the removal of the OTSRs, I had space between my legs and the lap bar. I still don't like the foot-binder doohickey. Brings my knees too close to my chest making it a little harder to breathe.

Back over to Racer, and had to capture this magnificent sight...


Midway all to ourselves!!!

Got a Blue shot, now time for a Red...


Ahhh, right on schedule.

After 3 more rides on Blue Racer, our heads, and breakfasts for that matter, were scrambled. It was only 9:00. There's something satisfying about riding 7 coasters before the midway workers even had their games stocked with improbable-to-win and impossible-to-carry-and-take-home stuffed animals. We waited for a half hour and went to the X-Base entrance for the walkback to Diamondback for the Gold Pass/Enthusiast-Because-We're-Special ERT. We didn't actually meet the group, we barely managed to catch up with the end of the group. While Michelle took pictures of Vortex warming up, I went to Diamondback to get my 1 ride. There were no single rider passes, so I went into the group line. Group line went faster, as I saw people in the SRL I didn't see go by, and I made it on the ride before them. I was assigned row 12 and paired with a rider from the SRL. Turns out it was the one-and-only Jackson. Finally met KIC's little celebrity. On the lift hill, I got him to point and yell at REPTAR!!! Sweet. Let the coolness begin.

Got off right at 10 am, and the park was now open to the common folk. Met Michelle, who happened to ride Beast 3 straight times. After photographing Vortex, she came into Rivertown and noticed people turning left. She rode 3.3.3 3 times as stay-ons. Apparently that was a big mistake as her organs were randomly shifted around.

Before meeting up with her, I managed to take some nice shots of Diamondback, including 1 I'm not showing until after the photo contest deadline.


Train going, and...


Train coming.


One more for good measure.

10:00 and already had 8-10 rides under our belts. Needed a break. Train station looked really good. Tried taking more pictures in the ravine, this time in the daylight.




Old West Town, once again playing with settings on the camera phone.



Oops, too slow. It's OK, it wasn't open anyway.

Line to Beast was short, so we snuck in a ride before the...

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Another new experience for me. Never seen Racer like this before...



Red train in the lead!


Red still in the lead.


I'm noticing a trend here.


Blue may actually have a chance here.


This is hardly fair. Poor Blue train. I think this thing is rigged!

More pics from The Racer tour:


This is why you don't bring an ambulance to a paintball fight.


Coffins getting freaky with it???? :blink:



Going up?


What goes up must come DOWN!!!

Now it's time for more camera play...

Let's get NEGATIVE!








I thought this was too cool in Negative:



Gratuitous shot of the King of The Racer himself, and the man who made this all possible. THANKS DON!!!

8 coasters, 1 train ride, and a Racer tour. We're STARVING!!! We headed to Outer Hanks, where the employees still greet you as you walk in the door. Our first trip there since the name change. We were pleased to see the portions were still the same size as before. I think the fish is a little different than before, but still very tasty. Probably one of the best values for your nickel in the park.

It was Mother's Day, so it was time to call our mommies. While doing so, I caught something very cool:


Hatched goose eggs on the old Sky Ride pier footer, under the rowboat.


Uh oh, they look hungry.


We felt bad. We didn't have anything for them. Maybe that guy down there has some food.

Since Adventure Express was right there, we went for it. Maybe it's just me, but that ride seems to be getting faster and faster. This ride was the closest to a "5" rating I've ever had. Animatronics still aren't working. Gotta beat the air drums for them.

More wandering about, and more pics...


I've never actually taken this pic before, so gotta play a bit...


Note to self... be careful of shadows when playing in negative mode.


Geez that thing's tall.


Pretty horsey I rode on the Grand Carousel.


Got most of it, from area of Grand Carousel

Naturally, had to play with camera again...


My camera phone has a panoramic setting. Thus far, I've had trouble making it work, but I think this came out FANTASTIC!!!


OK, enough sightseeing. Time for...

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While waiting for the Son of Beast walk back, I just had to take more shots...


We're coming, big boy.


and WHEEEEEEEEE!!! (it's just starting its cycle)


Looks like a charm bracelet. The high bright white cloud and deep blue sky really added to this pic. I think I have a better one for the photo contest.


Ummm, no.


Congo Falls demolishing anyone on that bridge.

The gates were open, and we were off!!




What happened to Outposts 1-4?


That's a long way up there.


I know. I'm not the only one to get this shot.


The Rose Bowl really is impressive. I also hear it's a great football game.


Sonny blessed from Above?


Train coming into the area formerly known as the loop.


Heading for the home stretch.




Managed to get the blue train.


Inside-the-Skull Brain Scrambler!


Inedible morsels burped up after Sonny has dinner.


*Sigh* 2 monuments to the never-forgotten loop.

On the way back, decided to get a few picks of Flight Gun, umm, Top Deck, oh, whatever...



Up by the maintenance shed, we ran into a ride op from Top Snooze Flight whatchamacallit. He was quite panicked. "What are you doing back here?" "Why are there people in lockout?" The lanyards apparently weren't enough. I said we were on a tour, just going back to the main park. He still looked like I was coming after him with a Scream mask on. Then I dropped Don's name. That settled it. Name dropping works, especially when you drop the right name.

We were dead-dog tired. There was no way we were going to make it until 8, especially with a 2+ hour drive home. After touring Sonny, we decided to go ride Papa one more time. Of course, that's at the complete opposite end, probably the farthest point in the park from that area (I know it's not, but it's darn close).

We took a bit of a shortcut through the Festhaus and caught the last half of The County Line show. Now, I'm not a big fan of country, but they were doing some older stuff, which I can handle. We sat down and watched the last half of the show. I was very impressed with the talent of the cast. They all had good singing voices and dance moves, even though I'm not big into line dancing or anything that requires you to grab your belt buckle as a required element. The casting seems to be getting better as Kings Island and Cedar Fair puts in more shows. In the past, I've been to shows where the singers just MURDERED the songs. These cowboys and cowgirls really could sing.

Well, we had our last ride on The Beast. I was afraid it was going to kick my rump since I had left it for a newer piece of tail the night before. Maybe it's saving up its a$$-whooping for a later date, or even Beast was getting a little drained and tired of us enthusiasts abusing it all weekend long. Oh well, I'm still waiting for Beast to exact its revenge on me for cheating on it with Diamondback.

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I thought about using the panoramic shot of the fountain as my entry for the photo contest. I didn't think that had anything to do with Ride Warriors, so I chose to send in this picture:


I just love how the track was eclipsing the sun, putting everything into silhouette (sp?). The train going down the false drop on Vortex was a pleasant bonus to the shot. The picture was taken just after 10 am on Sunday. I'm sure there were a bunch of Ride Warriors on that Diamondback train.

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