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Saturn Day @ PKI

Losing Streak

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I didn't think about it, or I would have posted this before, but for the Saturn drivers out there, Saturn day is August 10, this Sunday. I don't know the benefits or anything, there might be free parking, I know that local retailers had discounted tickets, but aside from that, I don't really know too much. Just thought I'd get it out here and see if anyone else is cool enough to drive a Saturn.

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Mrs. Chef & I leased a Saturn before we bought our Toyota. The Saturn isn't the best car in the world - but you can't beat their customer service. They work very hard to please the customer.

And I love PKI. I wish there was a Toyota Day at PKI.

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I never got the point of leasing. You pay payments toward somthing that will not be used and then you pay for wear and tear and have to all the maitance work. wink.gif

Sounds fishy to me.

And to keep this OnTopicâ„¢ I think saturn is erm umm well maybe there will be alot of em at the park that day. Cars need vacations there people too. (dodged a bullet with that one) biggrin.gif

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Should you someday marry a patriotic Japanese woman like I did - I doubt you'll own anything but a Japanese car.

And to keep on topic - I love PKI and happily drive my Japanese car to PKI.


Italian Chef

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Your too funny Mr. Chef. If you ever do have to drive through the parking lot you will notice all sorts of cars... from the very expensive to the cheapest you can build yourself. It's pretty interesting to see them all together. It would be interesting to see how many of what we have in the parking lot, it would be some useless but interesting trivia.

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Samuari DragonLord-san,

Konnichiwa. Genki desu ka? I seriously think that PKI's marketing department should examine all the license plates in the parking lot to determine which states its guests come from.

And if you ever want a Japanese wife, my wife (who you met at one of my book signing and at the park) has lots of friends in Nagoya, Japan who are still single. And if you marry any of them, you'll have to drive a Japanese car, drink Green tea, and learn how to cook Japanese staple dishes such as tonkatsu and niku jaga.

And to keep on topic - PKI is related to Japan because of its Sanrio Shop. That's right folks - Hello Kitty and her friends are Japanese. And I love PKI as much as I love Godzilla movies. And BONZAI PKIUnlimited.com. Bonzai PKI! Bonzai PKI!

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu,

Italian Chef desu


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  DragonLord said:
I heard that Saturns are more of a pain to work on then any other car that there is... I think I'll just stick with my Ford and when that is dead and gone move on to a Dodge (which I should have gotten in the first place).

They're actually really easy, at least for me. I've replaced the timing chain on mine in my driveway, along with changing the oil. I've never heard of anybody really having problems working on them.

Keeping this on topic, everyone should come to PKI on Sunday, even if you don't drive a Saturn.

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We own 2 Saturns. I find them quite easy to maintain. Our 1993 SL2 has just under 400K miles, and is holding up rather well. Our 2000 SL2 only has 80K (we drive to parks a LOT!) and is still great.

From what I've heard, the L series and their VUE don't quite have the quality.....We'll probably next leave the Saturn "family" and join the Toyota "family"

Again, to keep on topic....Sunday will be my 70th PKI visit this season, and although the early ERT of years past is gone, the Fried Chicken picnic is always good. Lots of free stuff in that grove, too.

Coaster "you get out of cars what you put into them" Dime

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I think that it is pretty cool that Saturn has a day at the park. I think some of the other car companies could learn something from them, at least about customer service. Just curious, Chef, how did you meet your wife? Did you live there for a while? And what was it like living there?

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First off the very first time I went to PKI for the first time in my life was with my wife and I've taken 10 Japanese visitors to the park- so I'm on topic.

That said, I lived in Japan for one year after I got my MBA. I taught English conversation to adults for a company called Nova. While living in Japan my wife and I were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. We started dating.....and got married less than 2 years later.

Living in Japan was an awesome, but sometimes lonely experience. I can't hardly speak or read the language - so I had a hard time when I got ill and went to the doctor. However, people were VERY nice to me. I love the Japanese architecture - especially the temples. The food was interesting. And I visited some of Japan's most awesome theme parks including Tokyo Disneyland and Ninja Mura - which is a theme park modeled after a ninja village. It has shows and rides. When I look at old pictures of Japan, I miss it because I had more friends there than I have here - and the country is so very safe. PM me anytime if you want more details about Japan.

BONZAI PKIUnlimited.com,

Italian Chef

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Topic isn't about taking people to PKI, its about Saturn and PKI.

That day is pretty cool. Get to check out the cars that they bring out to the picnic grove. They have a test track thingy in the parking lot past the water park. (Sometimes) Plus they usually give away little cool things too and they always have some left over. I usually take home a few every year, since I end up working out there that day.

It is really nice of Saturn to do that for their customers... though I find it odd that we have a Saturn day and bring in Saturn cars and customers when... The park is sponsered by John Nolan Ford. Speaking of which, what happened to all the Ford display cars that were in the park last year? Why didn't they bring them back this year?

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