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A plea for peace and unity


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The world we live in is not a very peaceful place. Nations fight over ethnicty, religion, ideology, territory, military superiority, natural resources, political advantage, and financial gain. In some parts of the world, cousins fight cousins because they are different sects of the same religion. It is sad.

Paramount's Kings Island is a place that I visit to find peace and joy. Several PKI fan pages exist so that PKI fans can peacefully communicate with one another - and that is great!

However, at times some folks from one fan page might do something that may unintentionally vex people from a different fan page. That diminihses the peace, joy, and sense of community.

Without getting specific, naming names, or making accusations, I make one plea. Can't we all just along? If we all love PKI, whether we are from one webpage or another, one state or another, one ethnicity or another, one religion or another, one political affiliation or another, and so on...can't we just respect and appreciate each other?

I just hope that we can all communicate in a peaceful, civilized manner. And I apologize for any actions/comments I ever made that did not contribute to the fostering of a pan-PKI fan community. Starting today, I shall do all I promote good feelings amongst PKI fans.


Charles aka Italian Chef

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I completely agree, Chef. Since I am new here, it was nice to see someone mentioning this topic as I have left other sites over the same thing. I will join with you in trying to keep these boards as friendly as possible. Have you ever wondered what people think who are just coming here on an anonymous basis? I do...and if people could just look at it from that pont of view, maybe they would see their own comments in a different light. Anyway, here's to a successful, friendly board that all can enjoy....Peace

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thanks for the statement chef and reply homie, i am here to agree with you as well. I have not left any sites to bad asmospheres yet and this one came close with all that happened, but i stuck with it and now we're improving slowly. I will help out all that i can to keep this a great atmosphere as well. Just think, this place is to talk about the joy of PKI, not to argue and get hot with each other. Also we try to help bring in new members, we won't bring in new members with fighting and people will just give us a bad rep. Let's do this right.

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