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Season Pass Preview days


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Hey guys i was just wondering when there are going to be season pass gold preview nights. I called and the lady told me april 4 from 10am till 8pm does anyone know for sure because i also heard april 2 and 3. thanks

I think that is correct, but am not sure. To the best of my knowledge, the first weekend (the 2nd and 3rd) are going to be dry run days/media days/something else that isnt season pass preview. Although i'm not sure.

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I indeed heard somewhere, don`t remember where, that in fact the first weekend in April, April 3 and 4, would be season pass preview days. Now, the park might be combining dry run days with the season pass days, after the fiasco that occured last season when the park was flooded with people on pass holder night becuase of the large amount of tickets given to radio stations. As far as media goes, I would imagine most of the media won`t be that interested in opening day of the park as there are no new attractions. They will, however, be interested in the opening of Boomerang Bay in May. Here is a link on these boards to the thread that mentioned the season pass preview days.


EDIT: Added link.

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But even though they will be giving tickets away to the same weekend it will be better. Why? Well last year it was one day for five hours. This year, I`m assuming it will be for more than five hours each day, at least eight hours. Also, the crowds will be able to be divided up among the two days. Although some season pass holders may visit twice, I don`t think it will be quite as hectic as it was last year. But it all depends on the weather that weekend, and how many tickets are given away. If the weather is perfect like it was last year, lookout. Or, if it was like the preview day in 2002, bitter cold, then it might be less crowded. Regardless, there will be plenty of unbusy days this season!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unless you know an employee of the park, or are able to win tickets from one of the radio stations giving them away, you won`t be able to attend the preview on Saturday April 3. If yoou are able to get tickets, then the park is open from 12 to 8. Additionally, if you have a season pass, you get into the park on Sunday April 4, from 12 to 8. The park then opens to the public on Friday, April 9 at 10 am.

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April 3rd's tickets are being given away on a radio station, but they are also the free tickets that the employees recieve to give out. The crowd expected that day isn't very large, but will consist mostly of the free tickets that the employees have, not the tickets the radio station(s?) are giving out.

Sunday April 4th is a Pass Preview day, from noon to 8pm. The tickets the employees have ARE NOT good on April 4th, they are only good for the date printed on the ticket. If you are really stupid and come to the park on the 4th and try to use that ticket, you won't get in. I say "stupid" because the date on the ticket is printed clearly and states that it is only good that day (April 3rd, 2004).

If you look at the Gold Pass perks on PKI's site, you will find this out. It should have also been included with your Gold Pass information when you bought. Please keep in mind, if you haven't read this information read it! If you don't have it, check www.pki.com for information on the Gold Pass and what the perks are and when they are. This will help you out a great deal and avoid a ton of problems which arise during the season from Gold Passers not know when their perks are and getting ticked (I really, really should use a stronger word) at the employees b/c of their own stupidity.

Okay, enough ranting and raving.

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I have a question about the April 3rd date, can gold passholders get in that night?

Let me put it this way. I mean no offense to anyone, I just want to make it as clear as possible:


Then how can I get tickets? I'm going crazy because I have to go to PKI as soon as I can! tongue.gif

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