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Flight of Fear and Weather


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Just wondering, if it storms most of the day when I'm at KI, will FOF stay open? I have saw threads that said it would, but about 3 years ago I was there and it stormed very badly all day, all rides were closed including FOF, except Boo Blasters which eventually closed. So is it likely FOF will stay open?

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Flight of Fear usually stays open during storms, even when most other rides shut down. Severe storms would be an exception. You shouldn't need to worry about the line since you have Fast Lane.

Other than that, storms are a great time to eat and/or see a live show. You shouldn't miss Ed Alonzo whether it storms or not. It's very unlikely that any storms will last all day.

Most outdoor rides do operate in the rain, but they will shut down if lightning is approaching the area.

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About a week ago, it was raining pretty hard, and there was some thunder and lightning, so I got in line for Flight of Fear, figuring it would be open. It was, until about 40 minutes through the line, the ride closed for severe weather. So FOF may close during storms. I'm not sure if it always does.

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I have been at KI when they shut down rides while I was getting a suntan sitting in a chair at Soak City! I asked a lifeguard why everything was shut down and she said something about a storm with in I think it was a 20 or 30 mile radius? I might be way off on the miles so somebody correct me. I don't know about FOF that day but Soak City stopped the wave pools and slides and we could see DB shut down, it was so sunny out so everyone was confused around us until I decided to ask.

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