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April 26 PKI


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The movie still works, maybe the operator just turned it off for a second.

Also, the vibrating is a part of the theming. It's supposed to make it feel like the UFO is moving/flying. I actually like it, it isn't that annoying to me.

Yes, we know, the entire building is dusty, I've told my sups, but it isn't up to them what gets cleaned during the week when the park is closed, it's the managers that decide that. And trust me, patching up holes in the walls at exit is more importaint that the hanger being dusty (if only people would just NOT PUNCH HOLES IN THE WALL!!! lol)

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The vibrating is actually part of the themeing? I guess that makes a little sense, because when the background "music" goes off, the vibrating stops. Even if it is supposed to be there, I would much rather be able to hear the "music" instead of that annoying vibrating. To each his own I suppose. smile.gif

StXBomber, tell your sups to give me a call, I'd be more than happy to come in and clean up the hanger. It may take me a while, but it'll get done! laugh.gif

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